SportsBook Rules
Bet. A wager which constitutes an agreement between the Customer and gaming Company that the Customer places their games via the gaming Company on an unknown outcome of a future event and gets a prize (win) according to the outcome. The size of the prize is calculated based on the amount wagered and the odds defined by the Bookmaker.
gaming Company. A legal entity that carries out gaming operations within the legal framework and requirements of the license agreement.
gaming Operations. Provision of services related to gaming and gaming pools (including services which use telecommunication networks). gaming operations include creating a list of events that will take place in the future, accepting games for these events, storing bets, tracking event results, and determining and delivering prizes (wins).
gaming markets. A list of events and corresponding outcomes with winning odds offered by the gaming Company for gaming.
Customer (player). A natural person, party to the agreement, who places games with the gaming Company.
Handicap. The advantage or lag of the participant in the competition, expressed in goals / points / sets, etc., which is provided by the gaming company to the participant depending on games on him. The result of the event, taking into account the handicap, is determined in this way. The handicap given to the participant is added to the corresponding result shown by the participant in the competition. If the result thus obtained is in favor of the selected participant, he is considered the winner, and the games on his victory, taking into account the handicap, win. Payments are made with a winning odds specified in the game description. If the result is in favor of the opponent, the games are lost. If the result obtained taking into account the handicap is a tie, then the winning odds for such a result will be 1 (return of the bet).
Jackpot. The maximum cumulative prize (win), the size of which is set by the gaming Company or determined by the total value of games placed by Players.
Odds. The value assigned by the gaming Company to an outcome in the Sportsbook. Odds are multiplied by the Player’s stake to calculate the prize (win).
Outcome. The result of the event on which a Player has placed a bet.
Prize (win). The funds, goods or ownership rights voluntarily transferred to the Player in the case of a win, in accordance with the gambling Terms and Conditions.
Stake. The funds transferred to the gaming Company as payment from the Customer for participation in gaming. The amount constitutes a participation fee and is used to determine the prize (win).
Total. The number of goals, points or games scored by participants or participants in events.
Line — a list of events and related outcomes with win ratios offered by the gaming company for gaming.
TYPES OF BETS offers the following types of bets:
1. Single. A game on the outcome for one particular market. Winnings from a single game are calculated as the product of a stake and the odds set for the selected outcome.
2. Multiple. A game on the outcomes for several independent markets. Losing one outcome means losing the entire bet. The winning ratio of the game is calculated by multiplying the winning odds of all the events included in the bet.
The following chains cannot be combined in multiple bets:
1)Match – Match intervals – Shots on goal – Players
2)Corner intervals – Corners in the match
3)Yellow card intervals – Yellow cards in the match reserves the exclusive right to determine whether outcomes are interconnected.
3. System. A complex of multiples of the same size, formed using a number of outcomes chosen by the Customer.
Winnings for a system game are calculated as the sum of the winnings for all multiples included in the system bet. Winnings for each multiple within the system game are calculated separately.
gaming RULES
1. All games are accepted by the gaming Company based on the gaming markets published on the website on the date of the game placement.
2. games are accepted on regular time of the match (excluding overtime), unless otherwise stated in the Sports rules.
3. Only the amount confirmed and registered by the Company and not exceeding the current balance on the Customer’s account can be accepted as the stake.
4. games are accepted before the start of the event, with the exception of games accepted by the gaming Company during the course of the event (Live bets). By placing a game the Customer confirms that they do not know the outcome of the event they are gaming on. All claims regarding the decisions of the Company are accepted by no later than five days after the Customer has been notified about the final decision. A scanned copy of all the pages of the Customer’s ID (passport) used at registration must be attached to the claim.
5. The date and time specified on the Website next to the event are the date and time at which gaming on the event stops and do not necessarily match the actual date and time of the start of the event. The start time of the event, for game settlement purposes, is the actual time when the event started, confirmed by the official documents of the organisation conducting the competition.
6. The Company can make changes to the gaming markets (in the odds, parameters of handicaps and totals, restrictions on accumulators and the maximum stake, etc.) at any time. The terms of the games placed by the Customer before the amendments were made, remain unchanged.
7. In the list of events, the home team appears first, if the location is not specified. All the details provided in the header of a specific sport section are for information purposes only. Possible errors in those details cannot be regarded as a reason for refunding of bets.
8. In the case that important details relating to the team are not mentioned, such as the age group (under 18/under 21/youth teams), gender (women), or the status of the team (reserve), which effectively means that a different team is stated in the gaming markets instead of the declared one, all games on the match will be refunded. In other cases, when team names are not stated in full or there are grammatical mistakes in the gaming markets, all games shall stand. If the gender of teams is not specified on the website, it is considered male. In the case of a match between women's teams, the gender must be specified on the Website, otherwise the games on this match will be void.
9. In the gaming markets the home team is stated first (marked "1"), and the away team is stated second (marked "2"). In other cases (tennis, table tennis, badminton competitions, motorsports, boxing, chess matches, etc.) the numbering of the competitors is arbitrary and venue details are for information purposes only.
10. When gaming on the statistics of a round/matchday (total goals, wins, losses, draws, corners, yellow cards, etc.) only the matches listed in the gaming markets on the Website count. If games on any match from a specific round/matchday are declared void, games on all markets related to that round/matchday are refunded and are excluded from accumulator and system bets.
11. In football and ice hockey it is forbidden to include more than one outcome on the “HT-FT” and score-related markets per match in accumulators and systems.
12. In cup events, games on qualifying for the next round are offered.
13. If a match venue is changed, games shall stand, unless the match is moved to the away team's ground, in which case games shall be refunded and excluded from accumulator and system bets. If both teams are from the same city, in the case of any change of venue, all games shall stand. For international events, in the case of a venue change, games shall be refunded only if the match is moved to the opponent country (the away team).
14. If in the gaming markets one or more match participants are stated with mistakes (with the exception of translation errors), i.e. when a different team/player is stated, instead of the actual one, all games on this event shall be declared void and refunds shall be made (games will be paid out with odds of 1.00). reserves the right to determine which category any given mistake pertains to.
15. If the result of the match that is already finished was cancelled or changed by the competition’s governing body (and the changes were published in the official documents) later than the cutoff point specified in Rules, irrespective of reasons, the cancellation or change shall not be taken into account and games shall be settled according to the initial result. If match protocols available on the official websites contain contradicting information, a decision shall be made based on the video recording. If the match was abandoned and not finished within 25 hours after its start, games shall be refunded and excluded from accumulator and system bets. games on the outcomes which have been unconditionally determined by the moment when the match was abandoned (e.g. first half result, first goal and its time etc.) shall stand. There are exceptions in the gaming terms for certain sports competitions. More details can be found in the “Sports” section.
16. does not provide any services and does not accept games on a credit basis. All games must be placed using available funds on the Player’s account. If, as a result of a technical fault, there were insufficient funds on the account and the game was placed anyway, the game will be declared void.
17. The minimum and maximum stakes on all sports events are defined by the gaming Company and are subject to change without prior written notice. Furthermore, reserves the right to implement special limits on particular Player accounts.
18. Any game (including Live bets) placed on an event, the outcome of which is already known at the moment when the game is placed, is considered invalid and will be refunded. It will also be excluded from system and accumulator bets. If suspects that a winning game might have been placed by the Customer knowingly after the event has started, the gaming Company reserves the right to refund the game within three days following the beginning of the sporting event.
19. games are accepted only from Customers who agree with these Rules established by the Company. By placing a bet, the Customer confirms that they have read the Rules and agree with them. Accepted games cannot be changed or cancelled, except for the cases referred to in these Rules. Therefore, the Customer placing a game is solely responsible for the accuracy of its details.
20. games are not accepted from Customers who:
- have not reached either the minimum age required for participation in gambling activities according to the legal system of the country where they reside, or 18 years of age, whichever is higher;
- participate in the events on which they are gaming (athletes, coaches, referees, etc.) or act in agreement with the event participants;
- are representing the interests of other gaming companies or are affiliated with other bookmakers;
- are trying to gain or have managed to gain an unfair advantage over the gaming Company, for example, by placing repeated games with the purpose of exceeding the maximum stake limit set by the Company;
- are under influence of drugs or alcohol, or are incapacitated and unable to make their own decisions;
- are partially incapacitated according to their country’s legislation;
- have refused to provide their personal and identification details.
The above cases cannot be the basis for cancellation or refunds of accepted bets.
21. A game is considered to be accepted as soon as the Company confirms the bet. All accepted games are displayed in the game History menu. Sometimes games can take a while to appear in the game History. In the case of possible disputes, the time when the game was registered in the Company system is considered the most accurate. If the Customer has not received a confirmation of their bet, the game is considered accepted if it is displayed in the game History. In any case, when placing a bet, downloading the application, regardless of the resource used (via the Internet or mobile services), opening an account, using an existing account, participating in any games, or accepting any prize, the Customer confirms their consent with the current version of the Rules and acts according to these Rules.
22. The Customer is obliged to game only on their own behalf. Repeated games containing identical selections by one or several Customers can be declared void by In the case where the Company is confident that there was collusion between Customers or if suspicious games were placed by one or more Customers within a short period of time, such games can be declared void and cancelled even after the official settlement of the bets.
23. The Customer is the only person who is responsible for their bets. The Customer is obliged to make sure that the details of their game are correct. As soon as the game is placed and confirmed as accepted, it cannot be changed or cancelled by the Customer. Before any game is accepted it is clearly displayed on the screen and the Customer’s password is requested as proof that they agree with the terms of the bet. After the game is accepted, it is impossible to make amendments. does not provide any guarantees regarding "lost" or "duplicate" games placed by Customers.
24. If the Player intends to demand that their lost games be made void and refunded by the Company, claiming that those games were placed after the actual start of an event, except for Live bets, such requests must be presented within a three-day period from the actual start of the event and supported by documents (the Player must present an official document which confirms the actual start time of the event on which the game was placed).
25. In the case of disputes concerning the start time of an event, if the official regulators of the corresponding tournament/event cannot provide (or do not have) the relevant information, information about the start time of the event is considered to be correct for game settlement purposes.
26. Communication failures or other technical failures on the Customer’s side are not considered the basis for game cancellation if the game is registered on the Company server.
27. Loss of a password cannot be the basis for the cancellation of games or the cancellation of money withdrawal requests.
28. reserves the right to deny the Customer access to the account if automatic robot gaming is detected.
29. The Company has the right to decline games by any Customers without giving any reasons, as well as by those who violate the Rules, and reserves the right to close or temporarily block accounts of specific Customers without prior notice.
30. The Сompany does everything in its power to attain information from official sources (during an event or after it is finished). If for any reason this information is inaccessible or the official sources contain obvious errors, games will be settled on the basis of other open alternative sources, for example, a video recording, etc.
31. In the case of any claims or disputes from Customers and their representatives, the obligations of the Company are limited to the size of the Customer’s stake and/or their possible winnings.
32. In the case of any disputes or claims, the database has priority over any other data.
33. More detailed information about games on specific sports is presented in the “Sports” section of these Rules.
34. It is forbidden to include different markets/outcomes relating to the same match or the same player within one tournament (for example, “to win the tournament” and “to win the match”) in accumulator and system bets, even if the outcomes are not directly related to each other. If the Customer includes more than one game of any type on the same match in an accumulator or system, the accumulator or system will be void even if the computer program for accepting the game did not block the game when accepting it.
When determining the final winning odds for all the above-mentioned types of bets, the following factors are taken into account: the rules of odds calculation for specific outcomes (hitting the spread on the handicap or total, etc.), cancellation of events or postponing of events for the period specified in these Rules. games on events that were cancelled or postponed (for the time period specified in these Rules) will be settled at odds of 1.00.
35. When gaming on teams to get through the group stage of a tournament, games on only one team per group are permitted within a multiple or system bet. If games on more than one team in a group getting through the group stage are included in the same multiple or system bet, such games will be void even if they were not blocked at the time of game acceptance by the computer system.
36. When determining the final winning odds for all the above-mentioned types of bets, the following factors are taken into account: the rules of odds calculation for specific outcomes (hitting the spread on the handicap or total, etc.), cancellation of events or postponing of events for the period specified in these Rules. games on events that were cancelled or postponed (for the time period specified in these Rules) will be settled at odds of 1.00.
37. The Website Administration does not recommend that two or more Players place games using the same IP address (the same computer or the same local area network), in order to avoid the suspicion of collusion (fraud). The Administration has the right to block the Players’ accounts in these cases, and ask them to send proof of identity. If two or more Customers intend to use the same IP address, they must inform the Administration beforehand, explaining the reasons for doing so and get the Administration’s approval.
38. Total type is “Total of three outcomes”, which can be applied to all sports according to their specific rules. In Total of three outcomes, players must predict the number of goals, pucks, points or games scored (thrown, earned or played) by teams or participants of the event. To win, players have to predict whether the goals/points scored/earned/played will be over or under the goals/points specified in the total markets, or whether they will be exactly as specified. If the outcome matches the markets offered by the gaming Operator under Total of three outcomes, games placed on over and under will be deemed lost and games on equal to are deemed to be won.
LIVE gaming
1. Live gaming is offered by whereby customers place games during a match or other live event on outcomes which have not yet been determined. games that are received by the Company for any reason after the respective result has been determined are considered invalid and will be void (paid out at odds of 1).
2. Odds on games in Live mode are constantly changing according to events that unfold during a match. Updates to information and results during a live event should be used as a guide only. Intermediary results of an event that are displayed incorrectly do not constitute grounds for game cancellation.
3. When gaming on Live events, the Player can choose one of the following options to determine whether their games will be accepted if the odds change while placing a bet, or only if the odds are increased: «Accept all changes in odds» or «Accept only higher odds».
4. Live games are settled according to outcomes which are known by the end of the event/competition. No subsequent changes affect the settlement of Live bets. settles Live games according to their own match statistics and data about the run of play available to the Company. Unless specified otherwise, all games on athletes who do not take part in the competition are void in Live gaming. If outcomes for certain markets become known during the match, games on such markets are settled, if possible, immediately, as soon as the outcome becomes known.
5. All games for which the outcome is determined in Live mode will stand and will be settled even if the tournament or event is interrupted. Examples: games on who will score the next goal, who will receive a yellow card, who will win a certain part of the match, and games where total «over» is reached.
6. Claims regarding games placed on a Live event must be lodged within 24 hours of the start of the event.
7. If a match is interrupted and not finished within 25 hours, games that have already been settled will not be refunded. For outcomes that had not been determined at the time of abandonment, payouts will be calculated at odds of 1.
8. The Company reserves the right to correct obvious errors (even after the end of an event) arising when odds are entered or payouts are calculated (e.g., mistakes in handicaps, totals, odds), and to void respective games (in this case payouts will be made with odds of 1).
9. games placed in Live mode are considered invalid and will be voided (paid out at odds of 1) in case of the following technical errors:
- Obvious and technical errors
The company doesn't bear any responsibility for errors of input, transfer or settlement of bets. In particular, reserves the right to correct obvious errors arising when odds are entered and/or games are settled (e.g., mistakes in odds values, team or event names), or to void such games even after the end of an event. In the case of obvious errors being corrected, stakes are refunded. Common technical errors:
- Errors when odds are entered – when odds (or handicaps/totals, etc.) are displayed without a separating character (point) or with an extra digit.
Example: odds are displayed as 18 instead of 1.8, 23 instead of 2, or 30 instead of 3, etc.
- «Mirror” errors – when odds on players are displayed in reverse order. In this case the match favourite (including the current favourite in a Live event) would be displayed with higher odds than the current underdog.
Example: Basketball. Barcelona-Unicaja. Match winner. Odds are displayed as 4 1.2 instead of 1.2 4.
- Errors in display order – when all odds are specified correctly but the teams are displayed in the wrong order (a variation of a “mirror” error).
Example: Displayed as “Basketball. Unicaja-Barcelona. Match winner. 1.2 4” instead of “Basketball. Barcelona-Unicaja. Match winner. 1.2 4”.
The following factors are indicators of obvious errors: large discrepancy in odds between and other bookmakers; odds which are unrealistic considering the current situation in the match. alone has the right to determine whether an obvious or technical error has taken place in each specific case.
- reserves the right to void games that involve obvious errors including those placed with odds that are clearly incorrect. The Customer will be informed immediately about changes made to their account balance.
- The company reserves the right to void games even after an event ends if these games are won as a result of a technical failure or obvious error.
- In cases where, due to technical problems, games are placed when the Customer does not have enough funds in their account, these games are considered invalid.
The user may be held accountable for any damage to the Company caused by intentionally taking advantage of technical or administrative errors when depositing or receiving funds into their account.
10. is not responsible for the accuracy of results during Live events. For the most reliable and up-to-date information concerning the results of sporting events when gaming Live, it is recommended that alternative sources of information are used.
1. The minimum stake for games on Live markets, regular markets (not Live) and for each option within a system game is equivalent to 0.10 euro (in the currency of the Customer’s account).
The maximum overall odds for an accumulator game are 1000. Accumulators with overall odds exceeding this will be settled at odds of 1000. The highest odds for each option within a system game is 300. Options with odds exceeding this will be settled at odds of 300.
2. The maximum payout per game slip cannot exceed EUR 100,000 or equivalent in the account currency, as of the date of payout.
3. The maximum stake varies according to the sport and event and is determined by luckyyeti. comfor each event and game type. The maximum stake may be changed without prior written notice. reserves the right to cap the maximum stake for specific events and to enforce or remove special limitations on certain Customer accounts without prior notice or explanation.
4. All financial limitations are applicable to every colluding Customer/group of Customers placing games on the same outcomes. If the Customer places a number of games on the same outcomes, the total payout may be limited to one maximum payout, according to the limitation in place.
1. The following games can be placed on matches without handicap, if corresponding odds are offered:
- Home team to win – outcome displayed as 1.
- Draw – outcome displayed as X.
- Away team to win – outcome displayed as 2.
- Home team to win or Draw (Home team not to lose) – outcome displayed as 1X. For this game to win, Team 1 must win or the match must be drawn.
- Home or away team to win (No draw) – outcome displayed as 12. For this game to win, Team 1 or Team 2 must win, i.e. the match must not be drawn.
- Away team to win or Draw (Away team not to lose) – outcome displayed as X2. For this game to win, Team 2 must win or the match must be drawn.
2. The following handicap games can be placed on the match winner:
Handicap is an advantage or disadvantage assigned to a team (player) by the gaming Company and expressed in goals, points, sets, etc.
The outcome of a handicap market is determined by adding the handicap value to the team’s (player’s) result. If the resulting score represents a win for the selected team (player), the handicap game is deemed to be won. Winnings will be paid out based on the odds offered for the bet. If, after adding the handicap value, the resulting score represents a win for the opponent, the handicap game is deemed to be lost. If the resulting score is a draw, the winnings will be paid out with the odds of 1.00 (refund).
For example:
Team 1 Liverpool Handicap 1 (-1.5) 2.25 - Team 2 Manchester United 2 (+1.5) 1.9
1) Let’s assume we are gaming on Manchester United to win with a handicap. The handicap assigned to Manchester United (Handicap 2) is equal to +1.5. For the +1.5 handicap game to win, Manchester United must not lose with a difference of more than 1 goal, as the +1.5 handicap will be added to Manchester United’s goals.
The following outcomes are possible:
a) Manchester United wins, or the match ends in a draw, or Manchester United loses by 1 goal. For example, the final score is 2:1. After the +1.5 handicap is added, the score becomes 2:2.5 to Manchester United (Liverpool’s handicap is not taken into account, as we are gaming on Manchester United). The game wins.
b) Manchester United loses by more than 1 goal. For example, the final score is 2:0. After the +1.5 handicap is added, the score becomes 2:1.5 to Liverpool. In this case +1.5 handicap game on Manchester United will be lost.
2) Similarly, if we are gaming on Liverpool to win with a handicap of (-1.5), the following outcomes are possible:
a) Liverpool wins by two or more goals, for example 3:0. After applying the (-1.5) handicap, the score becomes 1.5:0 to Liverpool. The game wins.
b) Liverpool wins by 1 goal, Manchester United wins or the match ends in a draw. For example, the final score is 2:1. When the -1.5 handicap is applied, the score becomes 0.5:1 to Manchester United. In this case games on Liverpool with a handicap of (-1.5) are lost.
3. games on Total (Over/Under).
These are games on the total number of goals (points, games, etc.) scored (earned, played) by teams or players. To win this bet, the Customer must predict whether the number of goals (points, games etc) scored (earned, played etc.) will be above, below or equal to a specific number. For games on team totals (individual totals), only goals scored by one side count. If the total number of goals (points) exactly matches the number specified by the gaming Company, the winnings on “over/under” will be paid out at odds of 1.00.
For example:
The total specified by the Bookmaker for a football match is 4, and games are offered on the total number of goals being over or under 4.
If fewer than 4 goals are scored in the match (the final score is 0:0, 1:0, 0:1, 1:1 etc.), games on “under 4” will win, and games on “over 4” will lose.
If more than 4 goals are scored in the match (the final score is 4:1, 4:2, 3:2 etc.) games on “under 4” will lose and games on “over 4” will win.
If exactly 4 goals are scored in the match (the final score is 3:1, 4:0, 2:2, 1:3, 0:4) all games on “over 4” and “under 4” will be refunded.
4. Total and handicap values, as well as the odds stated in the current list of markets, can change after a game has been placed. However, the terms of the games which have already been accepted will remain unchanged, except in cases where obvious or technical errors have occurred.
5. Correct score in match/set. You need to predict the correct final score of the match/set.
6. HT/FT. In this game you must predict the result at half-time and at the final whistle. Outcomes within this market are displayed as W for “Win” and X for “Draw”. The result of the first half is displayed first and the full match result is displayed second. It is forbidden to add more than one HT/FT outcome into accumulators and systems.
7. games on the winner of the competition and qualification for the next round of the tournament. If a declared player fails to take part in the competition for any reason, games on that player will be refunded. If two or more participants take joint first place in the competition, winnings on each of them will be paid out according to the following formula: Odds = (IO-1)/N+1, where IO is the initial odds on the participant and N is the number of winners.
8. games on the statistics of a round or match day. If at least one match in a round of a competition fails to take place, all games on the statistics of that round will be refunded, except for the games on the results which have been unconditionally determined (for example, “will there be a 0:0 draw”, etc.). The gaming Company reserves the right to void all games on the statistics of a round or match day, if any match is cancelled before the start of the round and information about that appears in official sources.
9. games on the total number of goals or points in the match being odd/even. The 0:0 score is considered even.
10. games on the time of an event in a match (for example, time of the first goal, time of the first yellow card etc.). In this case the Customer must predict the specific time (the minute of the match) that the event will take place. When determining the exact time for game settlement purposes, seconds are not included (for example, if the time of the first yellow card is 44 min. 30 sec., it will be considered as the 45th minute when settling bets).
11. To win from behind. The Customer must predict whether a team will win the match, having trailed during the match.
12. The gaming Company can also offer any number of other markets.
13. More information about markets and outcomes can be found in the sections dedicated to specific sports.
1. games will be settled and pay-outs will be made only for valid games placed on the markets available on the Website according to the Rules. games must be accepted and confirmed by
2. Results are declared valid based on information from official governing bodies and also alternative sources (including video recordings of the event) after the event ends. games are settled according to the results published in the “Results” section on The results in the "Advanced Version" section are an unofficial information service provided by third parties and do not have any effect on the settlement of bets. In case of discrepancies in the results from various sources, or if there are obvious errors, will make the final decision for game settlement purposes.
3. games are settled after the end of an event within the following time intervals:
- for pre-match games - immediately after obtaining information from the official sources, but no later than three days after the end of the event;
- for Live games - within 20 minutes of the match finishing; in force majeure circumstances – no later than three hours after the event ends.
4. The winnings are credited to the Customer’s account after the games are settled, but no later than 10 minutes after game settlement is completed.
5. All the Customer requests regarding the accuracy of the results on must be based only on the data from the official information sources (websites of the governing bodies of specific tournaments/championships), given in the Appendix to these Rules. Information from other sources cannot be a reason for reviewing/re-settling the bets.
6. The start date and time of events are provided for information purposes only. An incorrect date or time of the event is not a reason for game cancellation. If the event took place earlier than the initially declared date, the result is considered valid, and the games are subject to settlement if they were placed before the start of the event. In case the event is postponed for no longer than 25 hours from the start date and time stated on website, all games on this event shall stand. If the event is postponed by more than 25 hours, games on the event shall become void and shall be excluded from accumulator and system games (with the exception of cases mentioned in the relevant sports rules sections). The countdown starts from the moment of the expected start of the event. games placed after the actual start of the event, except for Live bets, shall be refunded. Exceptions are:
- basketball, hockey and baseball matches in North American leagues. For these leagues games shall be void if the match failed to start and was postponed by more than 10 hours after the time stated on;
- tennis matches. games on tennis matches remain valid until the end of the tournament of which those matches are part;
- athletics, skiing and mountain skiing competitions. games on these shall stand if an event is postponed until later on the same date according to the time zone at the venue (date as stated on the website) and the venue is not changed;
- athletics, water sports and winter sports (except for ice hockey). The results declared on the basis of official protocols after the end of the event are considered valid.
7. In the case of a refund a game is regarded as “won” with odds of 1.00. If the Customer placed a single bet, the stake is refunded in full. If the Customer placed an accumulator or system bet, the overall odds of the game will be changed accordingly (the refunded selection will be settled at odds of 1.00, the odds for the other selections will remain unchanged, and the overall odds will be calculated as normal for multiple bets, with one of the multipliers being “1”).
Finland to win
Croatia (-2)
England to win
Total odds of the accumulator= 1,55*1,7*1,5 = 3,95
If Finland and England win their matches, and Croatia win with an advantage of two goals, this accumulator will win. However, when calculating the overall odds of this accumulator, the odds of 1.00 will be used instead of 1.7 (for Croatia handicap (-2)). So, the total odds of this accumulator will be equal to 1.55 x 1 x 1.5=2.325.
8. All games shall be settled according to the result announced on the date of the match, unless this contradicts the special rules for particular sports. Any possible changes in the result, caused by the intervention of a governing body or team disciplinary sanctions, are not taken into consideration and do not have any influence on the settlement of bets. If there is the suspicion of a breach of sports integrity (a "fixed match”), the Company has the right to suspend pay-outs of games placed on this event or to cancel bets. The same applies to long-term bets: changes in players’ rankings which took place later than 25 hours following the end of the tournament are not taken into consideration and do not have any influence on the settlement of bets.
9. The event is considered abandoned if it lasted less than the mandatory time stipulated in the rules of the tournament, even if the result at the time when the event was interrupted is later announced as the final result.
10. For abandoned events, games on comparative performance in halves (periods etc.) shall be refunded.
11. If a match continues from the moment it was abandoned earlier and it is not reflected on the Website, games are made void.
12. If the format of a sports event (a match, a half, etc.) is changed, all games on the outcomes that are unconditionally determined shall stand and shall be settled (W1, W2, X, 1X, X2, 12 etc). All other games shall be void. Should the format change, shall notify Players that games are accepted on the event with the changed format by posting the relevant information on the Website, information boards etc. For example, in the 4th and 5th Davis Cup matches, the 5-set match format can be changed to the 3-set format).
13. If a time period of a sports event with the changed format has finished before changes have occurred and does not contradict the rules on sports (e.g.: one football half – 45 min., one tennis set – first to 6 games, one hockey period - 20 min., one basketball quarter – 12 min.), games on such a period shall stand and shall be settled.
14. If a match is cancelled, all games on this match shall be refunded within 25 hours following the moment the information appears in the official sources.
15. If an outcome is cancelled or amended (as a result of a protest, a doping test, etc.), the initially announced result will be used for game settlement purposes.
16. When gaming on a team/player to qualify for the next round of a tournament, if the match is postponed to a different date or the venue changes (to a neutral venue), all games shall be considered valid. If the team that wins through to the next round then have their progress rescinded for any reason, the change is not taken into account and games shall be settled based on the results of the matches played. If the second match did not take place, or it was interrupted and not completed within 25 hours following the time specified on the Website, then all games on that match, including the games on the team to qualify for the next round, shall be refunded and excluded from accumulator and system bets. If none of the matches took place, all games shall be refunded and shall be excluded from accumulator and system bets.
17. If, for any reason, an athlete/team on which the Customer has placed a game cannot continue with the match/game on which a game was placed, the game shall still be considered valid and shall be settled as lost, if that does not contradict special rules for particular sports. Exceptions may be made in the following cases:
- The event/tournament has been cancelled;
- The event/tournament has been officially proclaimed as not having taken place;
- The location of the event/tournament has changed;
- The event/tournament was interrupted/rescheduled and failed to resume/take place within 25 hours following the original start time. This exception does not apply to games on Live events.
18. game winnings are paid out only within the limits set by the Company. If a Customer has placed a game and the winnings exceed the allowed maximum, the Company shall only pay the maximum allowed amount.
19. There may be additional details of game settlement for specific sports. The details are given in the relevant sections on sports in these Rules.
20. Should a dispute regarding the settlement of specific games without precedent arise, the final decision shall be made by
game Acceptance Rules
1. games are accepted up until the start of the first event, as indicated in the list of markets.
2. The event start time and date indicated in the list of markets is when game acceptance stops, even if the actual start date/time of the event is different. games are settled based on the actual start time of the event, which is established according to the official documents (protocols) of the organisation responsible for holding the event.
3. The Bookmaker may change the winning odds at any time. The terms of the games placed by the Customer before the changes were made will remain unchanged.
game Settlement
1. Calculation and payment of winnings will be carried out for valid games which have been placed in accordance with the current list of markets and on the basis of the Rules. The games must be accepted and confirmed by the Bookmaker.
2. games will be settled after all the events end, in accordance with the Rules of game settlement.
3. If at least one of the selections in a special game is settled with odds of 1.00, the whole game will be settled at odds of 1.00 regardless of the outcomes of the other selections.
4. If at least one of the selections in a special game loses, the whole game will lose, regardless of the outcomes of the other selections.
Player vs Player comparison is a special gaming proposition from The Customer has the option to place a game on which of the two players performs better, i.e. scores more goals.
1. games on “Player vs Player” markets are accepted before the start of the match.
2. The event start time and date indicated in the list of markets is when game acceptance stops, even if the actual start date/time of the event is different. games are settled based on the actual start time of the event, which is established according to the official documents (protocols) of the organisation responsible for holding the event.
3. The Bookmaker may change the winning odds at any time. The terms of the games placed by the Customer before the changes were made will remain unchanged.
4. games will be accepted on regular time of the match, unless the gaming rules for the specific sport state otherwise.
Acceptance and settlement of games on “Player vs Player” markets
This proposition includes three outcomes: Player 1, Draw, Player 2.
The “Player 1” game will win if Player 1 scores more goals than Player 2.
The “Player 2” game will win if Player 2 scores more goals than Player 1.
The “Draw” game will win if there is an equal number of goals.
Only goals scored against the opposing team will count (own goals are not included).
In order for the game to be valid, both players must appear on the pitch in the starting lineup. If one of the players does not appear in the starting lineup, the game will be settled with odds of 1.00.
If the player is substituted or sent off during the match, games on that player will stand.
Player vs Team comparison is a special gaming proposition from The Customer has the option to place a game on who will score more goals: a player or the whole opposing team.
1. games on “Player vs Team” markets are accepted before the start of the match.
2. The event start time and date indicated in the list of markets is when game acceptance stops, even if the actual start date/time of the event is different. games are settled based on the actual start time of the event, which is established according to the official documents (protocols) of the organisation responsible for holding the event.
3. The Bookmaker may change the winning odds at any time. The terms of the games placed by the Customer before the changes were made will remain unchanged.
4. games will be accepted on regular time of the match, unless the gaming rules for the specific sport state otherwise.
Acceptance and settlement of games on “Player vs Team” markets
This proposition includes three outcomes: Player, Draw, Team.
For a game on "Player" to win, the player must score more goals than the opposing team. For example, Zlatan Ibrahimovic vs Swansea: 2:0. Ibrahimovic scored 2 goals and Swansea scored none. games on “Player” win.
For a game on "Draw" to win, both the player and the opposing team must score an equal number of goals. For example, Ibrahimovic vs Swansea: 2:2. Ibrahimovic scored 2 goals and Swansea scored 2 goals. games on "Draw" win.
For a game on "Team" to win, the opposing team must score more goals than the player. For example, Ibrahimovic vs Swansea: 0:2. Ibrahimovic scored no goals and Swansea scored 2. games on "Team" win.
In order for the game to be valid, the player must appear on the pitch in the starting lineup. If the player does not appear in the starting lineup, the game will be settled with odds of 1.00.
If the player is substituted or sent off during the match, games on that player will stand.
1. The Company offers games on match winner and handicap bets. If, after the handicap is applied, the result of the match is a draw, the game will be void.
2. The Company also offers games on the total number of points scored (“Total”) in a match. If the result is equal to the designated total, the game will be void.
3. We also offer games on the total number of points scored by a team. If the result is equal to the designated total for that team, the game will be void.
4. Head-to-Head. When placing such bets, customers need to predict which team, from two teams with an equal handicap, will finish the match with a higher points margin. If both teams’ points margins are the same, the game will be void.
5.Who will score more? When placing such bets, customers need to choose two matches with both an equal total and odds on that total and specify in which match more points will be scored. If the total number of points scored in both matches is the same, the game will be void.
6. Overtime is included in all games on American football, unless stated otherwise. Exceptions to this include: games on “first half/match", "winning margin" and games on the fourth quarter.
7. It is forbidden to include different markets/outcomes related to the same match in multiples and system bets, even if they are not directly interrelated. If two or more such markets/outcomes are included in a multiple or system bet, games are void even if they were not initially blocked by the Company’s game acceptance software.
The Company offers games on the match (series) winner, the match (series) total, the match (series) handicap, and who will be the first to win “n” points in a match (series).
Head-to-Head. When placing such bets, customers need to predict which athlete will get the best result in a given round of the competition.
All games placed on an outright winner remain valid. In the event that a match was started but wasn’t finished for any reason, outcomes resolved before a stoppage of play are used for game settling, whereas other games are void.
Handicap and Total games are settled using points awarded in a shooting round.
If a declared match participant is replaced before the start of the match (series), games on this match are void.
1. Only results from official records and other official sources published after the end of an event are deemed to be valid. Results which have either been rendered void or overturned at a later date due to protests, doping investigations etc., are not deemed to be grounds to reconsider settled bets.
2. Head-to-Head (which of the two given athletes is better). Customers need to predict which athlete will finish highest in an event. If both participants either have no recorded result or fail to complete an event, games will be void. If both participants are eliminated from the competition at an earlier stage (i.e. before the final), the athlete who finished higher is considered to be the winner. If there is no difference in two athletes’ final standing, games are void.
3. Athletes’ final standings are determined by official records published immediately after an event. The Company does not take into consideration disqualifications of athletes or teams or other subsequent changes to results made at a later date.
4. It is forbidden to include interrelated markets/outcomes on the same race in multiples and system bets. If two or more interrelated markets/outcomes are included in either a multiple or system bet, games are void even if they were not initially blocked by the Company’s game acceptance software.
A. When settling all games on matches, overtime is taken into account, unless otherwise stated. games placed on the second half of the match also include overtime. The only exception to this are games on a match winner with a ‘draw’ option, for which only regular time is taken into consideration.
B. If a match is interrupted before the end of regular time and not resumed within 25 hours, all games on the outcomes which have not been determined when play is stopped will be void. All games on outcomes which have been determined when play is stopped stand. With regards to live gaming, if a match is interrupted, then only games on outcomes determined before stoppage of play are settled and all other games are void.
C. If a match is postponed for a period of more than 25 hours, then all games placed on this match are void. If this is not the case, games stand.
D. In the event of a change of venue, games which have already been placed on the match will be valid, provided that the home team is still designated as such.
E. The Company offers the following markets on AFL (Australian Football League):
1. Winner.
Customers need to predict the outcome of a match. If the market includes the following options: ‘Team 1’, ‘Team 2’ and a ‘Draw’, only regular time is taken into account for gaming purposes. If this is not the case, overtime is included.
2. Total.
If the total number of points in a match is equal to the designated game total, games are void. The same applies to the individual total of a team or a player.
3. Handicap.
If the score/result is a draw after the handicap is applied, all games are void (irrespective of which time period games are placed on).
4. Individual Total (Team Total).
When placing ‘Individual Total’ (‘Team Total’) bets, customers need to predict whether the number of points scored by a chosen team will be over or under a given amount. If the total number of points scored by the team is equal to the designated game total, games are void.
5. Which half will have more points scored?
Overtime is taken into account for calculating the points total of the second half.
Regular time must be played in full in order for games to be valid.
6. Which quarter will have more points scored?
All four quarters of the match must be played in full for games to be settled. Overtime is taken into account to settle games placed on the 4th quarter.
7. What will the margin of victory be?
If the match is abandoned and not finished within 25 hours, all games on this market will be void.
8. Odd/Even Total.
Customers need to predict whether the total number of points in either the entire match or a given period of a match (i.e. quarter/half/the whole match) will be an even or an odd number.
1. If a match is cancelled (not started) due to a player forfeiting/being disqualified or for any other reason, all games on this match will be void.
2. If a match is rescheduled or postponed for any reason, all games stand until the match is played, but for no longer than 25 hours after the original scheduled start time.
3. If a declared match participant is replaced by another player before the start of the match, all games placed on this match will be void.
4. A match is deemed to have taken place from the moment the first point is scored. If the first point is not scored, a match is not deemed to have taken place.
5. In the event that a match is started, but interrupted in the first set and not finished due to any reason, such as a participant forfeiting/being disqualified, games placed on outcomes which have been determined when play is stopped stand. games on any undetermined (unplayed) outcomes will be void.
6. In the event that a match is started, but interrupted after the first set and not finished due to any reason, such as a participant forfeiting/being disqualified, match winner games stand. games on outcomes which have been determined when play is stopped also stand. games placed on undetermined (unplayed) outcomes will be void.
games on the outcomes of sets which have not been played will also be void.
In the event of an interrupted set, the set total is calculated according to the minimum total number of points that could have been scored when play was stopped. The overall total for the match is calculated by adding the total number of points scored in previous sets to the minimum possible points total that could have been scored in sets that were not finished/not played when play was stopped. Handicap games on interrupted (uncompleted) set(s) and match handicap games are calculated in the same way.
A match is abandoned with a score of 15:10 in the 3rd set.
Team 1 forfeits.
Team 1 – Team 2 1-1 (21-15, 17-21, 15-10).
Minimum Match Total = 105 points (74 from sets already played+ 31 minimum total points that could have been scored in the 3rd set) (21:15, 17:21, 21:10).
Minimum Individual Total of Team 1 (IT1) = 53.
Minimum Individual Total of Team 2 (IT2) = 46.
Based on this, games on outcomes are settled as follows:
Match Bets:
Match winner: “Team 1 to win” – loss; “Team 2 to win” – win.
Set gaming - 2:0, 0:2 – loss, 2:1, 1:2– void (refund).
Total: games on totals with a value lower than 105 stand. games on totals with a value higher than 105, will be void.
Individual Total (Team 1): games on an “IT1” with a value lower than 53 will stand. games on an “IT1” with a value higher than 53 will be void.
Individual Total (Team 2): games on an “IT2” with a value lower than 46 will stand. games on an “IT2” with a value higher than 46 will be void.
Sets Handicap: games on the following handicaps ‘-1,5/+1,5’, ‘+1,5/-1,5’ will stand;
Handicap: In this example, the maximum possible handicaps for the match are as follows:
а) 2-1 (21-15, 17-21, 21-10) – Team 1 winning by a margin of 13 points;
b) 1-2 (21-15, 17-21, 15-21)– Team 2 winning by a margin of 4 points.
Based on this, outcomes for handicaps ranging from ‘-12,5/+12,5’ to ‘+3,5/-3,5’ cannot be determined and the relevant games will be void. Other handicap bets, which do not fall within this range, will stand.
games on the interrupted 3rd set:
Set winner bets: “Team 1 to win” – void; “Team 2 to win” – void.
Total: The minimum possible total number of points which could have been scored when play was stopped is 31. games on totals with a value lower than 31 will be valid. games on totals with a value higher than 31 will be void.
Handicap: In this example, the maximum possible points difference for both teams in this set is as follows:
а) 21:10 – Team 1 winning by a margin of 11 points;
b) 15:21 –Team 2 winning by a margin of 6 points.
Based on this, outcomes for handicaps ranging from ‘-10,5/+10,5’ to ‘+5,5/-5,5’ cannot be determined and the relevant games will be void. Other handicap bets, which do not fall within this range, will stand.
"Individual Total" (Team 1): games on an “IT1” in the set with a value lower than 15 will stand. games on an “IT1” in the set with a value higher than 15 will be void.
"Individual Total" (Team 2): games on an “IT2” in the set with a value lower than 10 will stand. games on an “IT2” in the set with a value higher than 10 will be void.
"Correct Score ": games on outcomes which have been determined (e.g. 13:21) will stand. games on outcomes that have not been determined when play is stopped will be void.
“Set Result”: games on outcomes which have been determined (e.g. Team 2 to win by 8-11 points) will stand. games on outcomes that have not been determined when play is stopped will be void.
7. Customers can game on the following markets for Badminton:
Match bets:
“Match Winner” – Who will win the match.
“Sets Score” – The exact score based on the number of sets won by both players/teams in the match.
“Total” – Total number of points to be scored in the match.
“Individual Total”– Total number of points to be scored by a specific player/team in the match.
“Sets Handicap” – Handicap game on the number of sets to be won/lost by teams in the match.
“Handicap” – Points-based handicap game on the match.
“Odd/Even Total” – Whether the total number of points in the match will be odd/even.
games on a set:
“Set winner” – Who will win the set.
“Total” – How many points will be scored in the set.
“Individual Total” – Total number of points to be scored in the set by a specific player/team.
“Handicap” – Points-based handicap game on the set.
“Odd/Even Total” – Whether the total number of points in the set will be odd/even.
“Race to “n” points” - Who will be the first to win a specific number of points in the set.
“Who will win Point No. “n”?” - Who will win a specified point (e.g. the 3rd, 4th or 5th point) in the set.
“Correct Score” – What will the correct points score be in the set.
“Set Result” – Who will win the set and by what margin.
"Who will be in the lead after "n" points" - Who will be in the lead after a certain number of points have been scored by the teams in the set.
1. Customers can place games on an outright match winner or handicap games on a winner of a match.
2. Customers can also place games on the total number of points to be scored by both teams in a match (“Total”). If the result is equal to the designated total, games will be void.
3. If a match is not finished within 10 hours from the moment it starts, all games will be void.
4. If two matches involving the same teams are played on the same day and the Company only offers games for one match, games will be settled based on the result of the match that takes place first. If the declared pitcher is replaced, all games stand.
5. Customers can also game on the total number of points to be scored by a team (“Individual Total”). If the number of points scored by a team is equal to the designated total, games will be void.
6. All games are settled according to official results records, including extra innings, unless stated otherwise. In friendly matches, a "Draw" outcome is possible. If a friendly match ends in a draw and no odds on a draw were offered by the Company, match winner games will be void.
7. For gaming purposes, a match is deemed to have been played if at least 6.5-7 innings have been completed in all baseball championships, except MLB. For MLB, a match is deemed to have been played when at least 8.5-9 innings have been completed.
8. It is forbidden to include different markets/outcomes related to the same match in multiples and system bets, even if they are not directly interrelated. If two or more such markets/outcomes are included in a multiple or system bet, games are void even if they were not initially blocked by the Company’s game acceptance software.
9. In baseball, the first fully completed five innings of a match constitute the first half of the match. Markets on the first half of the match include 'Total' and win with a zero handicap (in the event of a draw, zero handicap games will be void).
10. ‘Home-Away'. This market covers matches taking place on a specified day and only those matches that are included in the Company’s list of markets for that particular day. If 8.5-9 innings are not completed in at least one match, games will be void. games are settled by comparing the number of points accumulated by the home teams to that of the away teams. In the event of a draw, games on the winner will be void.
1. When settling all games on matches, overtime is taken into account, unless otherwise stated. games placed on the second half of the match also include overtime. The only exception to this are games on a match winner with a ‘draw’ option, for which only regular time is taken into consideration. If a match ends in a draw in regular time and overtime is not played, either in accordance with tournament rules or because of a prior agreement in the event of a friendly match, all games are settled based on match results at the end of the fourth quarter. This, however, does not apply to match winner games including overtime which will be void. If overtime is played in a match as a result of two or more legs, all games (with some exceptions stipulated in the rules) are settled including overtime.
2. If a Match Winner market includes a draw outcome (1, Х, 2, 1Х, 12, Х2), only regular time is taken into account for game settling purposes.
3. For pre-match and in-play markets on the 4th quarter and 2nd half, overtime is taken into account for game settling purposes.
4. If a game is not finished, games on quarters and halves that have been completed stand.
5. The Company offers games on the match winner and handicap bets. If, after the handicap is applied, the result of the match is a draw, the game will be void and will be excluded from multiple and system bets. Handicap games can also be placed on specific quarters of a match.
6. The Company also offers games on the total number of points scored (“Total”) in a match or in a specific quarter. If the result is equal to the designated total, the game will be void.
7. games can also be placed on the total number of points to be scored by a team (“Individual Total” or “Team Total”). If the result is equal to the designated points total, games will be void.
8. games can also be placed on the total number of points to be scored by a player (“Individual Total” or “Player Total”). If the result is equal to the designated total or the player did not participate in the match, games will be void.
9. games on the players’ totals/head-to-head games (on players) include overtime unless otherwise stated.
10. games on player statistics (over/under rebounds, assists, fouls, blocks, turnovers) will be void if the player in question does not participate in a match. Likewise, a head-to-head game (which player will make the most rebounds/assists/fouls/blocks/turnovers) will be void if one of the players included in the game does not participate in the match.
11. It is forbidden to include different markets/outcomes related to the same match in multiples and system bets, even if they are not directly interrelated. If two or more such markets/outcomes are included in a multiple or system bet, games are void even if they were not initially blocked by the Company’s game acceptance software. games on whether a team will advance from the group stage can only be placed on one team per group in a multiple or system bet. If games on whether a team will advance from the group stage are placed on two or more teams from the same group within a multiple or system bet, games are void.
12. For ‘Home-Away’ bets, only matches offered for gaming by the Company on that particular day are taken into account. If one or more matches included in this market are rescheduled or cancelled, ‘Home-Away’ games will be void.
games on a match only include regulation time, excluding overtime, unless stated otherwise. Overtime has no bearing on the results of the second period and does not count towards the settlement of games on the second period.
All outcomes are determined according to the statistics of the official sites of each league or tournament and are verified by the records of games which are streamed live. If the Company’s statistics (based on live streaming) do not correspond to the statistics of the official site of the relevant league or tournament, games will be settled according to the Company’s results records.
If a match is interrupted and not completed within 25 hours, all games on this match, except for games where outcomes have been determined when play is stopped, will be void.
If a match start time is postponed for less than 25 hours, games on this match stand. Otherwise, games on this match will be void.
Customers may game on the following Beach Handball markets:
1. Winner.
Customers need to predict a match winner. games only include regulation time and overtime is not taken into account for game settling purposes.
2. Total.
If the total number of goals scored in the match is equal to the designated total, games will be void. The same applies to the individual total of a team or a player.
3. Individual Total (Team Total).
If the number of goals scored by a team in the match is equal to the designated individual total, games will be void.
4. Handicap.
If, after the handicap is applied, the result of the match is a draw, the game will be void (irrespective of which time period games are placed on.)
5. Which team will score first?
Customers need to predict which team will score the first goal.
If a team scores an own goal, this goal is deemed to have been scored by the opposing team.
If a match ends in a goalless draw (0-0), games on the first goal lose.
6. Which team will score the last goal?
Customers need to predict which team will score the last goal in a match.
games only include regulation time. Overtime is not taken into account.
7. Who will be the first to score 5 (10/15/20) goals in the match?
Customers need to predict which team will be the first to score a specified number of goals. If the specified number of goals is not scored by the end of the match, all games on this market will be void.
8. Double Chance.
The following outcomes are possible for this market:
1X – if a match ends in either a home team win or a draw, games on this outcome win.
X2 – if a match ends in either an away team win or a draw, games on this outcome win.
12 – if a match ends in an away or a home team win, games on this outcome win.
9. Period/Match.
Customers need to predict the result of the first half and the final result of the match.
The following letters are used to indicate results in the period/match markets: W – win, X – draw. For such bets, the result of the first half is stated first and is followed by the final result of the match.
Customers are not allowed to include more than one ‘period/match’ result in multiple or system bets.
10. In which half will more goals be scored?
If an equal number of goals are scored in each half, games on this market are void.
11. Odd/Even Total.
Also includes Odd/Even Team 1 (Team 2) Total. If the total score is 0, the total is deemed to be ‘even.’
1. If a match is cancelled (not started) due to a player forfeiting/being disqualified or for any other reason, all games on this match will be void.
2. If a match is rescheduled or postponed for any reason, all games stand until the match is played, but for no longer than 25 hours after the original scheduled start time.
3. If a declared match participant is replaced by another participant before the start of the match, all games placed on this match will be void.
4. A match is deemed to have taken place from the moment the first point is scored. If the first point is not scored, a match is not deemed to have taken place.
5. In the event that a match is started, but interrupted in the first set and not finished due to any reason, such as a participant forfeiting/being disqualified, games placed on outcomes which have been determined when play is stopped stand. games on any undetermined (unplayed) outcomes will be void.
In the event that a match is started, but interrupted after the first set and not finished due to any reason, such as a participant forfeiting/being disqualified, match winner games stand. games on outcomes which have been determined when play is stopped also stand. games placed on undetermined (unplayed) outcomes will be void.
games on the outcomes of sets which have not been played will also be void.
In the event of an interrupted set, the set total is calculated according to the minimum total number of points that could have been scored when play was stopped. The overall total for the match is calculated by adding the total number of points scored in previous sets to the minimum possible points total that could have been scored in sets that were not finished/not played when play was stopped. Handicap games on interrupted (uncompleted) set(s) and match handicap games are calculated in the same way.
A match is abandoned with a score of 10:5 in the 3rd set.
Team 1 forfeits.
Team 1 – Team 2 1-1 (21-19, 17-21, 10-5).
Minimum Match Total = 98 points (78 from sets already played + 20 minimum total points that could have been scored in the 3rd set).
Minimum Individual Total of Team 1 (IT1) = 48.
Minimum Individual Total of Team 2 (IT2) = 45.
Based on this, games on outcomes are settled as follows:
Match bets:
Match Winner: “Team 1 to win” – loss; “Team 2 to win” – win.
Odd/Even Total – payout at odds of 1.00 (refund).
Set gaming - 2:0, 0:2 – loss, 2:1, 1:2– void (refund).
Total: games on totals with a value lower than 98 stand. games on totals with a value higher than 98, will be void.
Individual Total (Team 1): games on an “IT1” with a value lower than 48 will stand. games on an “IT1” with a value higher than 48 will be void.
Individual Total (Team 2): games on an “IT2” with a value lower than 45 will stand. games on an “IT2” with a value higher than 45 will be void.
Sets Handicap: games on the following handicaps ‘-1,5/+1,5’, ‘+1,5/-1,5’ will stand;
Handicap: In this example, the maximum possible handicaps for the match are as follows:
а) 2-1 (21-19, 17-21, 15-5) – Team 1 winning by a margin of 8 points;
b) 1-2 (21-19, 17-21, 10-15)– Team 2 winning by a margin of 7 points.
Based on this, outcomes for handicaps ranging from ‘-7,5/+7,5’ to ‘+6,5/-6,5’ cannot be determined and the relevant games will be void. Other handicap bets, which do not fall within this range, will stand.
games on the interrupted 3rd set:
Set Winner bets: “Team 1 to win” – void; “Team 2 to win” – void.
Total: The minimum possible total number of points which could have been scored when play was stopped is 20. games on totals with a value lower than 20 will be valid. games on totals with a value higher than 20 will be void.
Handicap: In this example, the maximum possible points difference for both teams in this set is as follows:
а) 15-5 – Team 1 winning by a margin of 10 points;
b) 10-15 – Team 2 winning by a margin of 5 points.
Based on this, outcomes for handicaps ranging from ‘-9,5/+9,5’ to ‘+4,5/-4,5’ cannot be determined and the relevant games will be void. Other handicap bets, which do not fall within this range, will stand.
"Individual Total" (Team 1): games on an “IT1” in the set with a value lower than 10 will stand. games on an “IT1” in the set with a value higher than 10 will be void.
"Individual Total" (Team 2): games on an “IT2” in the set with a value lower than 5 will stand. games on an “IT2” in the set with a value higher than 5 will be void.
"Correct Score ": games on outcomes which have been determined (e.g. 8-15) will stand. games on outcomes that have not been determined when play is stopped will be void.
“Set Result”: games on outcomes which have been determined (e.g. Team 2 to win by 8-11 points) will stand. games on outcomes that have not been determined when play is stopped will be void.
6. Customers can game on the following markets for Beach Volleyball:
Match bets:
“Match Winner” – Who will win the match.
“Sets Score” – The exact score based on the number of sets won by both teams in the match.
“Total” – Total number of points to be scored in the match.
“Individual Total” – Total number of points to be scored by a specific team in the match.
“Sets Handicap” – Handicap game on the number of sets to be won/lost by teams in the match.
“Handicap” – Points-based handicap game on the match.
“Odd/Even Total” – Whether the total number of points in the match will be odd/even.
games on the set:
“Set Winner” – Who will win the set.
“Total” – How many points will be scored in the set.
“Individual Total” – Total number of points to be scored in the set by a specific team.
“Handicap” – Points-based handicap game on the set.
“Odd/Even Total” – Whether the total number of points in the set will be odd/even.
“Race to “n” points” - Who will be the first to win a specific number of points in the set.
“Who will win Point No. “n”?” - Who will win a specified point (e.g. the 3rd, 4th or 5th point) in the set.
“Correct Score” – What will the correct points score be in the set.
“Set Result” – Who will win the set and by what margin.
"Who will lead with the match total of "n" points" - Who will be in the lead after a certain number of points have been scored by the teams in the set.
If one of the declared participants is replaced before the start of a match, games on this event will be void.
If a match is rescheduled or interrupted, all bets, except where outcomes have been determined when play is stopped (in the event of an interrupted match), will be void. If a match is interrupted due to an injury or disqualification that results in a participant progressing to the next round, games on a participant progressing to the next round stand.
If a match is postponed for more than 25 hours, all games on this match will be void.
The following markets are offered for gaming on bowls:
1. Match winner.
Customers need to predict the winner of a match.
games on the match winner are accepted on the understanding that the player in question will take part in the match. If a player forfeits before the match, all match winner games will be void. If a player either forfeits or is disqualified during the match, all match winner games stand.
2. End Winner.
Customers need to predict the winner of an end.
If the end starts, but is interrupted due to a player forfeiting/being disqualified, end winner games stand. games on the outcomes of any remaining ends which have not been played will be void.
1. For gaming purposes, a fight is deemed to have started once the gong is sounded for the start of the first round. Victory in Match Winner games is defined as a win obtained by any of the following means: points decision, knockout, technical knockout, an opponent being disqualified/forfeiting. In the event of a tie in MMA fights, all Match Winner games will be void.
2. An ‘Inside the distance’ victory’ is defined as a win obtained by any of the following: knockout, technical knockout, an opponent being disqualified/forfeiting.
3. A ‘Points victory’ (Win by points) is defined as a win obtained either by the judges’ decision at the end of all rounds of a fight or by the judges’ technical decision.
4. For games on the number of rounds, if a participant is not in the ring at the start of the next round after the gong is sounded, the fight will be deemed to have finished in the previous round. games on MMA fights can be placed on the number of fractional rounds with the understanding that half a round is equal to 50% of a whole round.
5. If the scheduled number of rounds is changed, all games on fight outcomes stand and games on the number of rounds will be void.
6. If the fight venue is changed, all games stand.
7. It is forbidden to include interrelated markets/outcomes on the same event in multiples and system bets. If two or more interrelated markets/outcomes are included in either a multiple or system bet, games are void even if they were not initially blocked by the Company’s game acceptance software.
8. “Match winner in a specific round”. Customers need to predict both the match winner and what round they will win in. For such bets, ‘Victory’ is defined as a participant winning in a specific round. If victory is declared by the judges' decision after the last round of the fight, all games on a participant winning in the final round of the fight lose.
1. Customers may place games on game outcomes (win, tie, loss, double chance – 1X, 12, X2) for one of the two players and handicap bets.
2. In certain cases, customers can game on the total number of moves in a game (“Total”). If the total number of moves is equal to the designated game total, all games will be void. The total number of moves in a game is determined by the number of moves made by whites.
3. If one of the participants forfeits/is disqualified before the start of a match, all games on this match will be void and excluded from multiples and system bets.
1. All games are settled based on the official results records of the relevant governing body of a match/tournament.
2. If a match is interrupted before the end of regular time and not resumed within 25 hours, all games on the outcomes which have not been determined when play is stopped will be void. All games on outcomes, which have been determined when play is stopped, stand. With regards to live gaming, if a match is interrupted, then only games on outcomes determined before stoppage of play are settled and all other games are void.
3. If a match is postponed for a period of more than 25 hours, then all games placed on this match are void. If this is not the case, games stand.
4. In the event of a change of venue, games which have already been placed on this match will be valid, provided that the home team is still designated as such.
There are several types of cricket matches:
One-day International Match (Twenty20 - quick match) is a match that, on average, lasts for three and a half hours;
One-day International Match (ODI) is a match that lasts for more than 8 hours.
Test matches are matches which last for 5 days with a minimum number of 90 overs per day. Four innings are played in each match and each team needs to bat and bowl for two innings each. A team needs to bowl out their rivals twice to win a Test match.
1. games on curling include extra ends unless stated otherwise.
2. games on matches which are postponed or rescheduled for any reason (e.g. melting ice, problems with electricity or timetables etc.) will stand until the end of the tournament.
1. Only results from official records and other official sources published after the end of an event are deemed to be valid. Results which have either been rendered void or overturned at a later date due to protests, doping investigations etc., are not deemed to be grounds to reconsider settled bets.
2. Race winner. The participant who finishes first according to official results records after all stages of a competition are completed is deemed to be the winner.
3. If no participants finish a race, the participant who has completed the most stages will be deemed to be the winner.
4. If two or more participants complete the same number of stages, the participant who is ranked higher in classification at the last stage they completed, will be deemed to be the winner.
5. Head-to-Head (race stage). Both participants must enter the race for games to stand. The participant who finishes the race with the best time will be deemed to be the winner. If neither participant classifies (i.e. is not included in the final standings), games will be void.
6. If a stage of a race is interrupted, all bets, except outcomes which have been determined when the event is stopped, will be void.
7. If a race is interrupted (the number of stages set in regulations was not held), all bets, except outcomes which have been determined when the race was stopped, will be void.
1. If a match is interrupted or cut short, the participant who advances to the next round or is declared as a winner by the relevant governing body/organiser of the tournament is deemed to be the winner.
2. All games on an outright winner stand. If a player forfeits before the start of a match, all games placed on that player lose.
3. All match winner games stand if at least one dart is thrown at the beginning of the first round of the match. Otherwise, all games will be void.
4. If a match is not finished for any reason, games on outcomes which have been unconditionally determined when play is stopped stand. All other games will be void.
Customers can place games on the outcomes of elections, contests and other such events which take place in different countries.
games on the following markets may be placed in the ‘Political Events’ section of our website:
1. Whether a political party will win a certain percentage of votes in an election.
2. Whether a candidate will win a certain percentage of votes in an election.
3. Head-to head comparison of the percentage of votes to be won by parties or candidates in an election.
Customers may also place games on the following markets in the ‘Contests’ section of our website:
1. games on the winner of a specific contest/award (e.g., ‘Miss Universe’ winner, Ballon d'Or winner etc.).
2. Whether a nominee will win a certain percentage of votes in a contest or an award category.
3. Head-to head comparison of the percentage of votes to be won by different nominees in a contest. Further information on additional markets for elections, contests and other such events can be found in the daily gaming section.
1. Unless stated otherwise, all games only include regulation time and do not include extra time or penalty shootouts. Penalty shootouts are only included in games on a winner in extra time.
2. If the match format is changed from 2 45-minute halves to 3 30-minute periods for any reason, all games stand, except for those placed on the first or second half of a match. If a change in the match format affects the total playing time for a match (i.e. it is changed from 2 45-minute halves to 2 30-minute halves), all games will be void.
3. If the match venue is changed, all games stand.
4. Customers can also place games on teams qualifying for the next round for cup competitions consisting of several matches. games on whether a team will qualify for the next round of a competition include extra time and penalty shootouts.
5. games cannot be placed on the highest scoring period in field hockey matches at this moment in time.
6. It is forbidden to include different markets/outcomes related to the same match in multiples and system bets, even if they are not directly interrelated. If two or more such markets/outcomes are included in a multiple or system bet, games are void even if they were not initially blocked by the Company’s game acceptance software. games on whether a team will advance from the group stage can only be placed on one team per group in a multiple or system bet. If games on whether a team will advance from the group stage are placed on two or more teams from the same group within a multiple or system bet, games are void.
1. All games on football include regulation time and do not include either penalties or extra time. Exceptions, however, may be made in special circumstances, more information on which can be found in these rules and on the website. For gaming purposes, regulation time includes injury (stoppage) time. Therefore, games on outcomes in each half include injury time.
2. Customers can place games on the following: match winner, draw/no draw, team not to lose and handicap bets.
3. Customers can also place games on the total number of goals to be scored in the match (‘total’). If the result is equal to the designated game total, games will be void.
4. Customers can also place games on a player’s goals total, as well as the total number of yellow cards to be received by a player (both types are classed as ‘individual total’ or ‘player total’). If the result is equal to the designated game total, games will be void. games can only be placed on players who are in the starting lineup. Any games on players who participate in a match as a substitute or who do not take part in a match will be void. Only goals scored in the opposing team’s goal count towards a player’s individual total.
5. Customers can also place games on teams’ qualification for the next round for cup competitions consisting of several matches. Whether or not a team qualifies for the next round of a competition is determined on the basis of the results of all matches (legs) which have been played in the previous round. If neither of the two teams has progressed to the next round by the end of regulation time, qualification is decided by extra time and/or penalties.
6. The Highest Scoring Half (for most leagues and assorted other matches.) Customers need to predict in which half more goals will be scored.
7. Match Score. Customers need to predict the score of a match. It is prohibited to include more than one match score game on the same match in multiples and system bets.
8. Half time/ Full time. Customers need to predict the result at the end of the first half and the final whistle. The following abbreviations are used on the website to indicate outcomes: ‘W’ for win, ‘X’ for draw. The result at the end of the first half is shown first, and is followed by the final result of the match. It is prohibited to include more than one HT/FT outcome for the same match in multiples and system bets.
9. Customers can place games on the winner and the ‘total’ of the first half.
10. Customers can place games on the winner and the ‘total’ of the second half.
11. Both teams to Score. Customers can place games on both teams to score a goal in the match, or at least one team not to score. If the final score is 0-0, games on “at least one team not to score” win.
12. The time of the first goal. Customers need to predict the time interval (from those displayed in the gaming section) in which the first goal will be scored. If a match ends in a 0-0 draw, all ‘First Goal’ games lose.
13. ‘Which team will score the first goal’ and ‘will a chosen player score or not?’. Customers need to predict which team will score first. If a team scores an own goal, the goal is deemed to have been scored by the opposing team. If a match ends in a 0-0 draw, all games on which team will score first lose.
games on whether a player will score can only win if a player participates in the match and scores/doesn’t score. Own goals are not taken into account for this gaming market. If a player doesn’t participate in a match, games on this player will be void (settled at odds of 1.00). Furthermore, this gaming market only applies to players who are in the starting line-up. Therefore, games placed on a player who comes on as a substitute will be void.
14. Who will get the first yellow card (YC)? Customers need to predict the team whose player will get the first yellow card. For gaming purposes, only yellow cards shown to players on the pitch, and not those on the substitutes’ bench count. If no yellow cards are shown, games will be void and excluded from multiples and system bets.
15. When will the first yellow card be shown? Customers need to predict the time interval (from those displayed in the gaming section) in which the first yellow card will be shown to either a goalkeeper, an outfield player or a substitute (who has entered the field of play). For gaming purposes, only yellow cards shown to players on the pitch, and not those on the substitutes’ bench, count.
16. When will the last yellow card be shown? Customers need to predict the time interval (from those displayed in the gaming section) in which the last yellow card will be shown to either a goalkeeper, an outfield player or a substitute (who has entered the field of play). For gaming purposes, only yellow cards shown to players on the pitch, and not those on the substitutes’ bench, count.
17. Total number of yellow cards, corners, shots on target, shots off target, goal kicks, offsides, throw-ins, times the woodwork will be hit, penalties or total teams’ ball possession. Customers need to predict if the total number of yellow cards, corners, shots on target, shots off target, goal kicks, offsides, throw-ins, times the woodwork will be hit, penalties or total teams’ ball possession will be higher or lower than the designated number. If the result is equal to the designated total, games will be void. Second yellow cards which result in a player being sent-off are not included in such bets. For gaming purposes, only yellow cards shown to players on the pitch, and not those on the substitute’s bench, count.
For games on the total number of times the woodwork will be hit, only shots which hit the post/crossbar and stay in play (by making contact with a player, a referee, the other post or the crossbar) count. A shot is not taken into account if the ball hits the post/crossbar after a stoppage in play, if the balls goes out of play after hitting the post/crossbar or if the ball crosses the line after hitting the post/crossbar (in which case the shot counts as a goal.)
For games on the total number of shots on goal (on target), shots which hit the woodwork do not count.
For games on penalties, customers need to predict whether there will be a penalty in the match or not.
18. The first corner. Customers need to predict which team will win the first corner. If there are no corners in the match, games will be void and excluded from multiples and system bets.
19. When will the first corner be taken? Customers need to predict the time interval (from those displayed in the gaming section) in which the first corner will be taken.
20. Red Card (Sending Off). Customers need to predict whether at least one player (either from the starting line-up or a substitute) will be shown a red card. For gaming purposes, red cards shown to members of coaching/medical teams do not count.
21. First substitution. Customers need to predict which team will be the first to make a substitution. If no substitutions are made, games will be void. If both teams make a substitution at the same time or during the half-time interval, games will be void.
22. Total number of fouls in a match. Customers need to predict whether the number of fouls in a match will be higher or lower than a specified number. If the result is equal to the designated total, games will be void.
23. The total number of yellow cards to be shown in a round of fixtures for a chosen league. If the result is equal to the designated total, games will be void. If one or more matches from a round of fixtures are rescheduled or cancelled, games will be void. Second yellow cards which result in a player being sent-off do not count.
24. Total number of red cards to be shown in a round of fixtures for a chosen league. If the result is equal to the designated total, games will be void. If one or more matches from a round of fixtures are rescheduled or cancelled, games will be void.
25. Total number of penalties in a round of fixtures for a chosen league. For gaming purposes, missed penalties count. If the result is equal to the designated total, games will be void. If one or more matches from a round of fixtures are rescheduled or cancelled, games will be void.
26. Total number of goals to be scored in a round of fixtures for a chosen league. If the result is equal to the designated game total, games will be void. If one or more matches from a round of fixtures are rescheduled or cancelled, games will be void.
- Double (Brace). Customers need to predict whether a player will score two goals in a match.
- Hat-Trick. Customers need to predict whether a player will score three goals in a match. If a player scores a hat-trick, games on a ‘Double’ lose.
- Poker. Customers need to predict whether a player will score four goals in a match. If a player scores four goals in a match, ‘Hat-Trick’ and ‘Double’ games lose.
- Penta-Trick. Customers need to predict whether a player will score five goals in a match. If a player scores five goals in a match, ‘Poker’, ‘Hat-Trick’ and ‘Double’ games lose.
27. It is forbidden to include different markets/outcomes related to the same match in multiples and system bets, even if they are not directly interrelated. If two or more such markets/outcomes are included in a multiple or system bet, games are void even if they were not initially blocked by the Company’s game acceptance software. games on whether a team will advance from the group stage can only be placed on one team per group in a multiple or system bet. If games on whether a team will advance from the group stage are placed on two or more teams from the same group within a multiple or system bet, games are void.
28. Other football markets can be offered in the gaming section of the website.
29. World Cup and European Championship ‘Head-to-Head’ games are subject to the following rules:
a. If both teams are eliminated from either tournament at the same knockout stage of the competition, ‘Head-to-Head’ games will be void.
b. If both teams are eliminated at the group stage of either tournament, the team which finishes highest in their group is deemed to be the winner.
c. If both teams finish in the same position in their groups, ‘Head-to-Head’ games will be void.
30. games on the outcome of the first half of a match include the first 45 minutes, as well as any injury (stoppage) time. If the first half is not finished, games will be void (refunded).
31. For gaming purposes, all yellow or red cards shown, as well as any other events, which occur after the final whistle has been blown, do not count. All yellow or red cards, as well as any other events, which occur during the half-time interval, are included in the overall match results, but do not count for games placed on the first or second half of a match.
32. In friendly games, the terms ‘home team’ and ‘match format’ are for informational purposes only and are not considered as grounds to void bets. games on the first half of the match are settled according to the recorded results of the first half of the match, as well as any added injury time.
33. Customers may place ‘Home vs Away’ games on the results of a round of fixtures, a matchday or several matchdays. Customers need to predict whether the difference in goals scored by ‘home’ and ‘away’ teams will be higher or lower than the designated handicap.
34. ‘Matchday/Round of Fixtures Total’. Customers need to predict whether the total number of ‘home’/’away’ goals will be higher or lower than the designated total.
35. If one or more matches are interrupted and are not finished within 25 hours of starting, all ‘Home vs Away’, ‘Matchday/Round of Fixtures total’’ games will be void.
36. ‘Home vs Away’, ‘Round of Fixtures Total’ and ‘Matchday Total’ games cannot be combined with other markets related to the same round of fixtures as part of a multiple or system bet.
37. Customers can also place games on penalty shootouts.
A penalty shootout is a method of determining the winner of a match which ends in a draw (this can be either a single match or a match with two or more legs) where such an outcome is not permitted by the rules of the competition. Each team takes five shots in turns (ABAB) (ABBA). If one team has an insurmountable lead, the shootout ends. If a winner has not being determined after both teams have taken 5 penalties, the shootout goes to sudden death. The rules of penalty shootouts are the same as for penalties taken during regulation time in the match.
Penalty kicks are taken from the penalty spot (which is 11m from the goal).
Customers can place games on the following penalty shootout markets:
1) Qualification for the Next Round/Tournament Winner (Team 1/Team 2)
2) Total Number of Penalties (over/under). Customers need to predict whether the total number of penalties to be taken by both teams in a shootout will be higher or lower than a designated total.
3) Outcome of the Last Penalty (scored/missed) - the last penalty in a shootout will or will not be scored
4) To Take Last Penalty (Team 1/Team 2)
5) Number of Penalty Shots (6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12 +) Customers need to predict the exact number of penalties to be taken in a shootout.
6) Outcome of Penalty ‘N’. Customers need to predict the outcome of a specific penalty (will it be scored, hit the woodwork, go wide or be saved by the goalkeeper.) ‘N’ refers to the number of a specific penalty taken by either team.
a) Scored. This refers to a penalty attempt which results in a goal being scored (either directly from the penalty, via a rebound off the goalkeeper or the ball bouncing into the net from the post or crossbar).
b) Saved by the Goalkeeper. This refers to a penalty attempt which is saved by the goalkeeper (i.e. when the goalkeeper catches the ball in their hands, deflects the ball away from the goal and back onto the pitch, hits the ball out of bounds, or deflects the ball to the woodwork without the ball crossing the line).
c) Miss. This refers to a penalty attempt which is off-target (i.e. over or wide of the goal) and/or does not touch the goalkeeper.
d) Hit the Woodwork. This refers to a penalty attempt which results in the ball hitting the woodwork (post or crossbar) without touching the goalkeeper or resulting in a goal.
1. 'Tournament Winner'. The golfer who takes first place in a tournament is deemed to be the winner.
If two or more competitors are tied at the end of a game, the winner of the tournament is usually determined by a ‘sudden death’ playoff. In this case, the golfer who wins the playoff is deemed to be the winner of the tournament. All other competitors take second place.
In some tournaments, officials may ask competitors to play on for a specified number of additional holes to determine the winner. In such cases, the golfer with the lowest score over these holes is deemed to be the winner. All other competitors take second place.
2. 'Head-to-head'. Customers need to predict which golfer (from a designated pair) will finish higher. The golfer who completes a full round (18 holes) with the fewest points is deemed to be the winner.
If a competitor starts a game, but fails to play all 18 holes, they are deemed to have lost irrespective of the score. The game is deemed to have started from the moment the first stroke is hit. If a competitor forfeits before a game starts, games on all the competitors from their group will be void.
If the group who originally started the game reforms at any point during the match, games on them will stand.
3. If the start of a tournament is rescheduled or a game is delayed during a tournament, all games stand for 48 hours. If an event is postponed for more than 48 hours, all games will be void.
1. Only results from official records and other official sources published after the end of an event are deemed to be valid. Results which have either been rendered void or overturned at a later date due to protests, doping investigations etc., are not deemed to be grounds to reconsider settled bets.
2. Head-to-Head (which of the two given athletes is better). Customers need to predict which athlete will finish highest in an event. If both participants either have no recorded result or fail to complete an event, games will be void. If both participants are eliminated from the competition at an earlier stage (i.e. before the final), the athlete who finished higher is considered to be the winner. If there is no difference in two athletes’ final standing, games are void.
3. Athletes’ final standings are determined by official records published immediately after an event. The Company does not take into consideration disqualifications of athletes or teams or other subsequent changes to results made at a later date.
4. It is forbidden to include interrelated markets/outcomes on the same competition in multiples and system bets. If two or more interrelated markets/outcomes are included in either a multiple or system bet, games are void even if they were not initially blocked by the Company’s game acceptance software.
1. The Company offers games on the match winner and handicap bets. If, after the handicap is applied, the result of the match is a draw, the game will be void. games are only accepted on regulation time, unless otherwise specified in the gaming section.
2. The Company offers games on the total number of goals scored (“Total”) in a match. If the result is equal to the designated total, the game will be void.
3. games can also be placed on the total number of goals to be scored by a team (“Individual Total” or “Team Total”). If the result is equal to the designated team total, games will be void.
4. It is forbidden to include interrelated markets/outcomes on the same event in multiples and system bets. If two or more interrelated markets/outcomes are included in either a multiple or system bet, games are void even if they were not initially blocked by the Company’s game acceptance software.
5. If the ‘Mercy Rule’ is applied in a match (i.e. one team is leading at half time by 15 points or more and the match is declared to be finished), games are settled according to the result.
games only include regulation time (i.e. a 70-minute game with 2 halves of 35 minutes or a 60-minute game with 2 halves of 30 minutes), unless otherwise stated.
All results are settled based on official statistics taken from the official websites of each league or tournament.
If a match is interrupted and not completed within 25 hours, all games on this match, except for games where outcomes have been determined when play is stopped, will be void.
If a match start time is postponed for less than 25 hours, games on this match stand. Otherwise, games on this match will be void.
Customers may game on the following markets:
1. Winner.
Customers need to predict the outcome of a match. If the market includes the following options: ‘Team 1’, ‘Team 2’ and a ‘Draw’, only regular time is taken into account for gaming purposes. If this is not the case, overtime is included.
2. Total.
If the total number of goals scored in the match is equal to the designated total, games will be void.
3. Individual Total (Team Total).
If the number of goals scored by a team in the match is equal to the designated individual total, games will be void.
4. Handicap.
If, after the handicap is applied, the result of the match is a draw, the game will be void (irrespective of which time period games are placed on.)
1. Customers can place games on the following Ice Hockey markets: match winner (team), draw/no draw, team not to lose and handicap bets. games can be placed on either the whole match or on specific periods.
2. Customers can also game on the total number of goals to be scored (‘Total’). If the total number of goals scored is equal to the designated game total, games will be void.
3. Customers can game on the total number of shots for either team in regular time or including extra time. If the result is equal to the designated game total, games will be void. If a match is rescheduled or cancelled, games will be void.
4. Customers can game on a team’s individual total (if odds are offered). If a team’s total is equal to the designated number, games will be void. If a match is rescheduled or cancelled, games will be void.
5. Customers can also game on a chosen player’s individual total, according to the ‘goals + assists’ principle (if odds are offered). If a player’s individual total is equal to the designated game total, games will be void. If a player does not participate in a match, games will be void. If a match is rescheduled or cancelled, games will be void.
6. It is forbidden to include different markets/outcomes related to the same match in multiples and system bets, even if they are not directly interrelated. If two or more such markets/outcomes are included in a multiple or system bet, games are void even if they were not initially blocked by the Company’s game acceptance software. games on whether a team will advance from the group stage can only be placed on one team per group in a multiple or system bet. If games on whether a team will advance from the group stage are placed on two or more teams from the same group within a multiple or system bet, games are void.
7. games on ice hockey do not include extra time or penalty shootouts with the exception of match winner games without the option of a ‘draw’ outcome and games on a team qualifying for the next round of a tournament.
8. For games on the winner/total/handicap games on a specified period and also for games on penalties and other period stats, only goals, penalties etc. which occur in the specified period count for game settling purposes.
9. Only matches shown in the gaming section on a matchday are included in ‘Matchday total’ games for a specific league. If one or more matches are rescheduled or cancelled, games will be void.
10. Customers can place games on a team qualifying for the next round for cup competitions consisting of several matches.
11. Highest Scoring Period. If the same number of goals is scored in each period, games will be void.
12. Customers may place ‘Home vs Away’ games on the results of a round of fixtures, a matchday or several matchdays. Customers need to predict whether the difference in goals scored by ‘home’ and ‘away’ teams will be higher or lower than the designated handicap.
13. ‘Matchday(s)/Round of Fixtures Total’. Customers need to predict whether the total number of ‘home’/’away’ goals will be higher or lower than the designated total.
14. If one or more matches are postponed by more than 25 hours from the start of the last match of the round of fixtures (matchday(s)), or interrupted and not finished within 25 hours of starting, all ‘Home vs Away’, ‘Matchday(s)/Round of Fixtures total’’ games will be void.
15. ‘Home vs Away’, ‘Round of Fixtures Total’ and ‘Matchday(s) Total’ games cannot be combined with other markets related to the same round of fixtures as part of a multiple bet.
International Lotteries is a service which offers customers the opportunity to take part in lotteries from 25 countries: USA, Italy, Iceland, Bosnia and Herzegovina, France, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom and others, as well as specific lotteries, such as Grecian Kino loto, Australia OZ, Canada AT Bucko, Austrijski Loto, Belgium Keno, Euromillion, Finland Keno, Mark Six, Irish Lotto, Latvia Keno, Multi Polish, German Loto, Hungarian Loto.
Each lottery consists of a set of draws. Each draw is assigned a number, date and time when it is to be held. The time when each draw is to be held is announced by the lottery organiser. The draws are sorted by date and time. The gap between draws can vary from a few minutes to several days.
Each lottery draw features a set of balls with numbers to game on. 8/15 is the most popular lottery format. The highest possible odds are set for 8 correctly predicted numbers. Once a draw is completed, games are settled depending on the customer’s lottery ticket and/or chosen numbers.
The results of previous draws for a chosen lottery can be found in the "Round History" section. Customers can find this section at the bottom of their lottery ticket.
Customers can only view the results of draws for the current day.
Customers can see their games and their results in the ‘Ticket History’ section.
For gaming purposes, only a combination which contains all the numbers drawn is deemed to be the winner. For example, if the winning combination has eight numbers, the winning ticket cannot contain fewer than eight numbers (seven, six, five, four, etc.).
If, as the result of an error, games are accepted on a draw that is already finished or a draw that has started, games will be void (refunded).
If one or more draws are not held at the scheduled time for any reason, games which have been placed will be valid for the next draw of the same lottery, unless they are cancelled at the customer’s request before the start of the next draw.
Lottery games cannot be combined with any other types of game (e.g. on sports) in the same game slip.
The minimum game is €0.1 and the maximum game is €200. The maximum winnings are €11,000.
games are accepted on regulation time only (two 30-minute halves with a 10-minute break). ‘Match Winner’ markets with a ‘Draw’ option are only offered on the first half of a game. games on the second half of a game include ‘Golden Goal’, unless otherwise stated.
If a match is interrupted before the end of regular time and not resumed within 25 hours, all games on the outcomes which have not been determined when play is stopped will be void. All games on outcomes which have been determined when play is stopped stand. With regards to live gaming, if a match is interrupted, then only games on outcomes determined before stoppage of play are settled and all other games are void.
If a match is postponed for a period of more than 25 hours, then all games placed on this match are void.
If the total number of points scored in the match is equal to the designated game total, games will be void. The same also applies to games on quarter/half totals, teams’ and players’ individual totals, for handicap games on the whole match/half/quarter, player head-to-head games and other markets where an exact handicap/total value is not assigned.
‘Home vs Away’ markets only include matches shown in the gaming section on a given matchday. If one or more matches shown in the gaming section on a matchday are rescheduled or cancelled, all games will be void.
Customers can game on the following Korfball markets:
1. Match Result (No Draw).
Customers need to predict the outcome of a match. When there is a draw in Korfball, the game keeps going until a ‘Golden Goal’ is scored, unless otherwise stated (e.g. in friendly matches).
2. Total.
If the total number of points in a match is equal to the designated game total, games are void. The same applies to the individual total of a team or a player.
3. Handicap.
If the score/result is a draw after the handicap is applied, games are void (irrespective of which time period games are placed on). The same applies to head-to-head games (points / fouls / blocks / rebounds / assists etc. scored/made by players).
4. Individual Total (Team Total).
When placing ‘Individual Total’ (‘Team Total’) bets, customers need to predict whether the number of points scored by a chosen team will be over or under a given amount. If the total number of points scored by the team is equal to the designated game total, games are void.
5. Odd/Even Total.
Customers need to predict whether the total number of points in either the entire match or a given period of a match (i.e. quarter/half/the whole match) will be an even or an odd number.
6. Double Chance(for the first half of the match only).
The following outcomes are possible for this market:
1X – if the first half ends in either a home team win or a draw, games on this outcome win.
X2 — if the first half ends in either an away team win or a draw, games on this outcome win.
12 — if the first half ends in an away or a home team win, games on this outcome win.
When settling all games on matches, overtime is taken into account, unless otherwise stated. games placed on the second half of the match also include overtime. The only exception to this are games on a match winner with a ‘draw’ option, for which only regular time is taken into consideration.
If a match is interrupted before the end of regular time and not resumed within 25 hours, all games on the outcomes which have not been determined when play is stopped will be void. All games on outcomes which have been determined when play is stopped stand. With regards to live gaming, if a match is interrupted, then only games on outcomes determined before stoppage of play are settled and all other games are void.
If a match is postponed for a period of more than 25 hours, then all games placed on this match are void. If this is not the case, games stand.
In the event of a change of venue, games which have already been placed on the match will be valid, provided that the home team is still designated as such.
The Company offers the following markets on Lacrosse:
1. Match Winner.
Customers need to predict the outcome of a match. If the market includes the following options: ‘Team 1’, ‘Team 2’ and a ‘Draw’, only regular time is taken into account for gaming purposes. If this is not the case, overtime is included.
2. Total.
If the total number of goals in a match is equal to the designated game total, games are void. The same applies to the individual total of a team or a player.
3. Individual Total (Team Total).
If the total number of goals scored by the team is equal to the designated game total, games are void.
4. Handicap.
If the score/result is a draw after the handicap is applied, all games are void (irrespective of which time period games are placed on).
5. Odd/Even Total.
Team 1 (Team 2) Total odd/even. If the total number of goals is 0, games on an “Even” total win.
Customer can place games on the outcomes of lottery draws from different countries around the world.
Only the official results of each lottery are used to settle bets. For gaming purposes, only the main numbers of a draw count. Bonus balls are not taken into account.
games placed after the start of draw, as specified in the gaming section, will be void and settled at odds of 1.00.
If a draw is not held on the designated day (is rescheduled), games on this draw will be cancelled and customers will be entitled to a refund.
The maximum amount of numbers on which customers can game is always one number less than the total drawn in each draw, except for lottery draws with less than 5 numbers.
The maximum possible winnings are 1 000,000 UAH.
The minimal value of odds is displayed in system bets.
games are accepted until 35 seconds before the start of a lottery draw.
Customers can also game on the following additional markets:
1. What will the lowest number drawn be (odd/even)?
2. What will the highest number drawn be (odd/even)?
3. What will the sum total of the numbers be (odd/even)?
4. Will more odd/even numbers be drawn (win, draw, no draw, handicap gaming)?
5. Will more low (1-40)/high (41-80) numbers be drawn?
6. “Individual totals”, i.e. the number of balls drawn from a specified numerical range (e.g. numbers 1-10, total 2.5 (over or under)).
7. Will the lowest number(s) be drawn: yes/no (e.g. will the number ‘1’ or ‘2’ be drawn).
8. Will the highest number(s) be drawn: yes/no (e.g. will the number ‘79’ or ‘80’ be drawn).
9. Will a specific number be drawn or not?
10. Will the Jackpot be won or not?
(Formula 1, MotoGP, German DTM, WTTC, Superbike, Supersport and Trial).
1. Race winner. The participant who finishes first according to official results records is deemed to be the winner. games on drivers/racers who do not have a recorded time in a given classification are void.
2. The Company also offers games on which drivers will finish on the podium (Top 3).
3. With regards to games placed on qualification, the winner is the driver/racer who shows the best time in qualification according to official results records published by the relevant regulatory bodies for each of the aforementioned types of motorsport.
4. Head-to-Head. Customers need to predict which participant from a designated pair will finish highest in a race, according to the official results records. If both participants retire from the race, the participant who has completed the most laps is deemed to be the winner. If both participants retire from the race on the same lap, games will be void. If one participant completes more laps than the other but is disqualified during the race, then any other participant who doesn’t receive a disqualification during the race is deemed to have finished higher (even if they don’t complete any laps due to technical problems). If both participants are disqualified during the race, games will be void. If a participant is disqualified, then the number of laps they’ve completed before being disqualified are counted. If a game is placed on teams, the team which earns more points is deemed to be the winner. If neither team earns any points, the team, for which the sum total of its participants’ positions in official standings is lower, is deemed to be the winner. If the sum total of team participants’ places is equal for both teams, games will be void.
5. Will X (Driver name) finish the race? Customers need to predict whether a designated participant will finish the race or not. In the event that a participant retires from the race a few laps before the finish, but is included in the final classification as being ‘n’ laps behind the leader, they are deemed to have finished the race.
6. Racers/Drivers’ final standings are determined by official results records published at the end of the race. The Company does not take disqualifications of participants which happen after the event and other subsequent changes to official results records into account when settling bets.
7. If a driver takes part in the warm-up lap, they are deemed to have started the race.
8. It is forbidden to include interrelated markets/outcomes in multiples and system bets. If two or more such markets/outcomes are included in a multiple or system bet, games are void even if they were not initially blocked by the Company’s game acceptance software.
When settling all games on matches, overtime is taken into account, unless otherwise stated. games placed on the second half of the match also include overtime. The only exception to this are games on a match winner with a ‘draw’ option, for which only regular time is taken into consideration.
If a match is interrupted before the end of regular time and not resumed within 25 hours, all games on the outcomes which have not been determined when play is stopped will be void. All games on outcomes which have been determined when play is stopped stand. With regards to live gaming, if a match is interrupted, then only games on outcomes determined before stoppage of play are settled and all other games are void.
If a match is postponed for a period of more than 25 hours, then all games placed on this match are void. If this is not the case, games stan.
games on the 4th quarter include overtime.
If the total number of points scored in the match is equal to the designated game total, games will be void. The same also applies to games on quarter/half totals, teams’ and players’ individual totals, for handicap games on the whole match/half/quarter, player head-to-head games and other markets where an exact handicap/total value is not assigned.
‘Home vs Away’ markets only include matches shown in the gaming section on a given matchday. If one or more matches shown in the gaming section on a matchday are rescheduled or cancelled, all ‘Home vs Away’ games will be void.
Customers can game on the following Netball markets:
1. Winner.
Customers need to predict the outcome of a match. If the market includes the following options: ‘Team 1’, ‘Team 2’ and a ‘Draw’, only regular time is taken into account for gaming purposes. If this is not the case, overtime is included.
2. Total.
If the total number of points in a match is equal to the designated game total, games are void. The same applies to the individual total of a team or a player.
3. Handicap.
If the score/result is a draw after the handicap is applied, games are void (irrespective of which time period games are placed on). The same applies to head-to-head games (points / fouls / blocks / rebounds / assists etc. scored/made by players).
4. Individual Total (Team Total).
When placing ‘Individual Total’ (‘Team Total’) bets, customers need to predict whether the number of points scored by a chosen team will be over or under a given amount. If the total number of points scored by the team is equal to the designated game total, games are void.
5.Odd/Even Total.
Customers need to predict whether the total number of points in either the entire match or a given period of a match (i.e. quarter/half/the whole match) will be an even or an odd number.
1. games on rugby matches only include regulation time (80 minutes + injury time), unless otherwise stated in the rules or gaming section.
2. Customers can place handicap games on the number of points to be scored in a match and on a match winner. If the score is a draw after the handicap is applied, games will be void and excluded from multiples and system bets.
3. Customers can game on the total number of points to be scored (‘Total’). If the total number of points scored is equal to the designated game total, games will be void.
4. It is forbidden to include interrelated markets/outcomes on the same event in multiples and system bets. If two or more interrelated markets/outcomes are included in either a multiple or system bet, games are void even if they were not initially blocked by the Company’s game acceptance software.
Customers can place games on a match/set winner, match/set points total, handicap games on match/set and on who will be the first to win a specified number of points in a match/set.
Handicap and total games are settled according to the number of points scored in a match/set.
If a match does not start on time or is delayed/rescheduled for any reason, all games stand until the end of the tournament.
If a team/competitor forfeits before the start of a match, all games will be void.
If a match is not finished for any reason, games on outcomes which have been unconditionally determined when play is stopped stand. All other games will be void.
If a declared competitor is replaced by another player before the start of a match, all games on this event will be void.
1. “Who will go furthest in a tournament?” Customers need to predict which player (from a designated pair) will progress furthest in a tournament bracket. If both competitors are eliminated from a tournament before the final, the player who progresses the furthest will be deemed to be the winner. If both players are eliminated in the same round, games will be void. If a competitor forfeits before the start of a tournament, all games will be void.
2. If a match is started but not finished for any reason, games on frames where outcomes have been determined when play is stopped stand. All other games will be void.
3. Handicap and total values are calculated in frames, unless otherwise stated in the list of markets.
1. If a match is cancelled (not started) due to a player forfeiting/being disqualified or for any other reason, all games on this match will be void.
2. If a match is rescheduled or postponed for any reason, all games stand until the match is played, but for no longer than 25 hours after the original scheduled start time.
3. If a declared match participant is replaced by another player before the start of the match, all games placed on this match will be void.
4. A match is deemed to have taken place from the moment the first point is scored. If the first point is not scored, a match is not deemed to have taken place.
5. In the event that a match is started, but interrupted in the first set and not finished due to any reason, such as a participant forfeiting/being disqualified, games placed on outcomes which have been determined when play is stopped stand. games on any undetermined (unplayed) outcomes will be void.
6. If a match is postponed or interrupted, all bets, except those on outcomes which have been determined when play is stopped (for interrupted matches), are void. If a match is interrupted due to an injury or disqualification which results in an athlete progressing to the next round of a competition, games on whether a chosen competitor will qualify for the next round of a tournament stand.
games on the outcomes of sets which have not been played will be void.
In the event of an interrupted set, the set total is calculated according to the minimum total number of points that could have been scored when play was stopped. The overall total for the match is calculated by adding the total number of points scored in previous sets to the minimum possible points total that could have been scored in sets that were not finished/not played when play was stopped. Handicap games on interrupted (uncompleted) set(s) and match handicap games are calculated in the same way.
A match is abandoned with a score of 8:5 in the 4th set. Player 2 forfeits.
Player 1 – Player 2 2:1 (11:9, 12:14, 11:7, 8:5).
Minimum Match Total = 80 points (64 from sets already played + 16 minimum total points that could have been scored in the 4th set).
Minimum Individual Total for Player 1 (ITP1) =42.
Minimum Individual Total for Player 2 (ITP2) =35.
Based on this, games on outcomes are settled as follows:
Match Bets:
Match Winner: Player 1 to win – win; Player 2 to win – loss.
Total Odd/Even – void (refund).
Set gaming - 3:0, 0:3, 1:3 – loss, 3:1, 3:2, 2:3 – void.
Total: games on totals with a value lower than 80 will stand. games on totals with a value higher than 80 will be void.
Individual Total (P1): games on an ‘ITP1’ with a value lower than 42 will stand. games on an ‘ITP1’ with a value higher than 42 will be void.
Individual Total (P2): games on an ‘ITP2’ with a value lower than 35 will stand. games on an ‘ITP2’ with a value higher than 35 will be void.
Sets Handicap: games on "-2,5/+2,5", "+1,5/-1,5", "+2,5/-2,5" will stand. games on ‘-1,5/+1,5’ will be void.
Handicap: In this example, the maximum possible handicaps for the match are as follows:
а) 3:2 (11:9, 12:14, 11:7, 8:11, 11:0) Player 1 winning by a margin of 12 points;
b) 2:3 (11:9, 12:14, 11:7, 8:11, 0:11) Player 2 winning by a margin of 10 points;
Based on this, outcomes for handicaps ranging from ‘-11,5/+11,5’ to ‘+9,5/-9,5’ cannot be determined and the relevant games will be void. Other handicap bets, which do not fall within this range, will stand.
games on the interrupted 4th set:
Set winner – void.
Total: The minimum possible total number of points which could have been scored when play was stopped is 16. games on totals with a value lower than 16 will be valid. games on totals with a value higher than 16 will be void.
Handicap: Outcomes for handicaps ranging from ‘-5,5/+5,5’ to ‘+2,5/-2,5’ cannot be determined and the relevant games will be void.
All the other handicap games will stand.
"Individual Total" (P1): games on an ‘ITP1’ in the set with a value lower than 8 will stand. games on an ‘ITP1’ in the set with a value higher than 8 will be void.
"Individual Total" (P2): games on an ‘ITP2’ in the set with a value lower than 5 will stand. games on an ‘ITP2’ in the set with a value higher than 5 will be void.
7. Customers may game on the following squash markets:
Match bets:
“Match Winner” – Who will win the match.
“Sets Score” (“Set gaming”) – The exact score based on the number of sets won by both players in the match.
“Total” – Total number of points to be scored in the match.
“Individual Total” – Total number of points to be scored by a specific player in the match.
“Sets Handicap” – Handicap game on the number of sets to be won/lost by players in the match.
“Handicap” – Points-based handicap game on the match.
“Odd/Even Total” – Whether the total number of points in the match will be odd/even.
games on the set:
“Set Winner” – Who will win the set.
“Total” – How many points will be scored in the set.
“Individual Total” – Total number of points to be scored in the set by a specific player.
“Handicap” – Points-based handicap game on the set.
“Odd/Even Total” – Whether the total number of points in the set will be odd/even.
“Race to “n” points” - Who will be the first to win a specific number of points in the set.
“Who will win Point No. “n”?” - Who will win a specified point (e.g. the 3rd, 4th or 5th point) in the set.
"Who will lead with the match total of "n" points"" - dWho will be in the lead after a certain number of points have been scored by the teams in the set.
1. Only results from official records and other official sources published after the end of an event are deemed to be valid. Results which have either been rendered void or overturned at a later date due to protests, doping investigations etc., are not deemed to be grounds to reconsider settled bets.
2. Head-to-Head (which of the two given athletes is better). Customers need to predict which athlete will finish highest in an event. If both participants either have no recorded result or fail to complete an event, games will be void. If both participants are eliminated from the competition at an earlier stage (i.e. before the final), the athlete who finished higher is considered to be the winner. If there is no difference in two athletes’ final standing, games are void.
3. Athletes’ final standings are determined by official records published immediately after an event. The Company does not take into consideration disqualifications of athletes or teams or other subsequent changes to results made at a later date.
4. It is forbidden to include interrelated markets/outcomes on the same competition in multiples and system bets. If two or more interrelated markets/outcomes are included in either a multiple or system bet, games are void even if they were not initially blocked by the Company’s game acceptance software.
1. Only results from official records and other official sources published after the end of an event are deemed to be valid. Results which have either been rendered void or overturned at a later date due to protests, doping investigations etc., are not deemed to be grounds to reconsider settled bets.
2. Head-to-Head (which of the two given athletes is better). Customers need to predict which athlete will finish highest in an event. If both participants either have no recorded result or fail to complete an event, games will be void. If both participants are eliminated from the competition at an earlier stage (i.e. before the final), the athlete who finished higher is considered to be the winner. If there is no difference in two athletes’ final standing, games are void.
3. Athletes’ final standings are determined by official records published immediately after an event. The Company does not take into consideration disqualifications of athletes or teams or other subsequent changes to results made at a later date.
4. It is forbidden to include interrelated markets/outcomes on the same competition in multiples and system bets. If two or more interrelated markets/outcomes are included in either a multiple or system bet, games are void even if they were not initially blocked by the Company’s game acceptance software.
1. If a match is cancelled (not started) due to a player forfeiting/being disqualified or for any other reason, all games on this match will be void.
2. If a match is rescheduled or postponed for any reason, all games stand until the match is played, but for no longer than 25 hours after the original scheduled start time.
3. If a declared match participant is replaced by another player before the start of the match, all games placed on this match will be void.
4. A match is deemed to have taken place from the moment the first point is scored. If the first point is not scored, a match is not deemed to have taken place.
5. In the event that a match is started, but interrupted in the first set and not finished due to any reason, such as a participant forfeiting/being disqualified, games placed on outcomes which have been determined when play is stopped stand. games on any undetermined (unplayed) outcomes will be void.
6. In the event that a match is started, but interrupted after the first set and not finished due to any reason, such as a participant forfeiting/being disqualified, match winner games stand. games on outcomes which have been determined when play is stopped also stand. games placed on undetermined (unplayed) outcomes will be void.
games on the outcomes of sets which have not been played will also be void.
In the event of an interrupted set, the set total is calculated according to the minimum total number of points that could have been scored when play was stopped. The overall total for the match is calculated by adding the total number of points scored in previous sets to the minimum possible points total that could have been scored in sets that were not finished/not played when play was stopped. Handicap games on interrupted (uncompleted) set(s) and match handicap games are calculated in the same way.
A match is abandoned with a score of 8:5 in the 4th set. Player 2 forfeits.
Player 1 – Player 2 2:1 (11:9, 12:14, 11:7, 8:5).
Minimum Match Total = 80 points (64 from sets already played + 16 minimum total points that could have been scored in the 4th set).
Minimum Individual Total for Player 1 (ITP1) =42.
Minimum Individual Total for Player 2 (ITP2) =35.
Based on this, games on outcomes are settled as follows:
Match Bets:
Match Winner: Player 1 to win – win; Player 2 to win – loss.
Total Odd/Even – void (refund).
Set gaming - 3:0, 0:3, 1:3 – loss, 3:1, 3:2, 2:3 – void.
Total: games on totals with a value lower than 80 will stand. games on totals with a value higher than 80 will be void.
Individual Total (P1): games on an ‘ITP1’ with a value lower than 42 will stand. games on an ‘ITP1’ with a value higher than 42 will be void.
Individual Total (P2): games on an ‘ITP2’ with a value lower than 35 will stand. games on an ‘ITP2’ with a value higher than 35 will be void.
Sets Handicap: games on "-2,5/+2,5", "+1,5/-1,5", "+2,5/-2,5" will stand. games on ‘-1,5/+1,5’ will be void.
Handicap: In this example, the maximum possible handicaps for the match are as follows:
a) 3:2 (11:9, 12:14, 11:7, 9:11, 11:0) Player 1 winning by a margin of 13 points;
b) 2:3 (11:9, 12:14, 11:7, 8:11, 0:11) Player 2 winning by a margin of 10 points;
Based on this, outcomes for handicaps ranging from ‘-12,5/+12,5’ to ‘+9,5/-9,5’ cannot be determined and the relevant games will be void. Other handicap bets, which do not fall within this range, will stand.
games on the interrupted 4th set:
Set winner – void.
Total: The minimum possible total number of points which could have been scored when play was stopped is 16. games on totals with a value lower than 16 will be valid. games on totals with a value higher than 16 will be void.
Handicap: Outcomes for handicaps ranging from ‘-5,5/+5,5’ to ‘+2,5/-2,5’ cannot be determined and the relevant games will be void. All the other handicap games will stand.
"Individual Total" (P1): games on an ‘ITP1’ in the set with a value lower than 8 will stand. games on an ‘ITP1’ in the set with a value higher than 8 will be void.
"Individual Total" (P2): games on an ‘ITP2’ in the set with a value lower than 5 will stand. games on an ‘ITP2’ in the set with a value higher than 5 will be void.
7. Customers may game on the following table tennis markets:
Match bets:
“Match Winner” – Who will win the match.
“Sets Score” (“Set gaming”) – The exact score based on the number of sets won by both players in the match.
“Total” – Total number of points to be scored in the match.
“Individual Total” – Total number of points to be scored by a specific player in the match.
“Sets Handicap” – Handicap game on the number of sets to be won/lost by players in the match.
“Handicap” – Points-based handicap game on the match.
“Odd/Even Total” – Whether the total number of points in the match will be odd/even.
games on the set:
“Set Winner” – Who will win the set.
“Total” – How many points will be scored in the set.
“Individual Total”– Total number of points to be scored in the set by a specific player.
“Handicap” – Points-based handicap game on the set.
“Odd/Even Total” – Whether the total number of points in the set will be odd/even.
“Race to “n” points” - Who will be the first to win a specific number of points in the set.
“Who will win Point No. “n”?” - Who will win a specified point (e.g. the 3rd, 4th or 5th point) in the set.
"Who will lead with the match total of "n" points" - Who will be in the lead after a certain number of points have been scored by the teams in the set.
1. If one of the declared competitors is replaced by another player before the start of a match, games on this match will be void (except for games on team matches/competitions). For games on team matches/competitions, if one or more competitors are replaced by other players for any reason, games on a team’s victory stand.
2. A match is deemed to have taken place after the first point is won. If the first point isn’t won, a match is not deemed to have taken place.
3. games stand in the event of the following:
- a change of court surface;
- a change of venue;
- a change from indoor court to outdoor court or vice versa.
4. Tournament winner bets. games are accepted on the understanding that a competitor will take part in the tournament. If an athlete withdraws from the tournament before the start of a match, all tournament winner games on this competitor will be void. If an athlete forfeits or is disqualified during a match, all tournament winner games on this competitor stand.
5. If a player forfeits or is disqualified during a tennis match for any reason, then:
5.1. If a match is interrupted before the first set is finished, all games on a set/match winner, as well as on the following match markets: Sets score (Set gaming), Total Odd/Even, Games Handicap, Total Games, Individual Total Games, and in-play games during the set, the outcome of which hasn’t been determined when play is stopped, will be void.
All games on outcomes which have been determined when play is stopped stand and winnings will be paid out according to the declared odds.
A “best-of-three sets” match is played. All sets with a tie-break.
A match is abandoned with a score of 4:3 in the 1st set.
Player 1 forfeits.
Player 1 - Player 2 0:0 (4:3).
Minimum match total = 15 games (6:3, 6:0).
Minimum individual total for Player 1 for this match (IT1) = 4 games.
Minimum individual total for Player 2 for this match (IT2) = 3 games.
Based on this, games on outcomes are settled as follows:
Match bets:
Match Winner: Player 1 Win - void, Player 2 Win - void.
Total Odd/Even – void.
Set Score: 2:0, 2:1, 1:2, 0:2 - void.
Total: games on totals with a value lower than 15 stand. games on totals with a value higher than 15 will be void.
Individual Total (Player 1): games on an ‘IT1’ with a value lower than 4 stand. games on an ‘IT1’ with a value higher than 4 will be void.
Individual Total (Player 2): games on an ‘IT2’ with a value lower than 3 stand. games on an ‘IT2’ with a value higher than 3 will be void.
Sets Handicap: Handicap games ranging from ‘-1.5/+1.5’ to ‘+1.5/-1.5’ will be void.
Handicap. In this example, the maximum possible handicaps for this match are as follows:
a) 2:1 (6:7, 6:0, 6:0) – Player 1 winning by a margin of 11 games;
b) 1:2 (7:6, 0:6, 0:6) - Player 2 winning by a margin of 11 games.
Based on this, outcomes for handicaps ranging from ‘-10.5/+10.5’ to ‘+10.5/-10.5’ cannot be determined and the relevant games will be void. Other handicap bets, which do not fall within this range, will stand.
games on the interrupted 1st set:
Set Winner - void.
Total: The minimum possible total games that could have been played when the match was stopped is 9 (6-3). games on totals with a value lower than 9 stand. games on totals with a value higher than 9 will be void.
Handicap: The highest possible scores for this set are as follows:
a) 6:3 - Player 1 winning by a margin of 3 games;
b) 4:6 - Player 2 winning by a margin of 2 games.
Based on this, outcomes for handicaps ranging from ‘-2.5/+2.5’ to ‘+1.5/-1.5’ cannot be determined and the relevant games will be void. Other handicap bets, which do not fall within this range, will stand.
Individual Total (Player 1): games on an ‘IT1’ in this set with a value lower than 4 stand. games on an ‘IT1’ in this set with a value higher than 4 will be void.
Individual Total (Player 2): games on an ‘IT2’ in this set with a value lower than 3 stand. games on an ‘IT2’ in this set with a value higher than 3 will be void.
Correct Score In Set: games on outcomes which have been determined when play is stopped (6-0; 6-1; 6-2; 0-6; 1-6; 2-6; 3-6) stand. games on outcomes which have not been determined when play is stopped will be void.
5.2. If a match is interrupted after the first set, ‘match winner’ games stand.
All games on the first set stand and are settled according to the rules. games on the second set and on match markets are settled according to the situation.
The competitor who qualifies for the next round is deemed to be the match winner.
A “best-of-three sets” match is played. All sets with a tie-break.
A match is abandoned with a score of 4:4 in the 2nd set.
Player 1 forfeits.
Player 1 - Player 2 1:0 (7:6, 4:4).
Minimum match total = 23 games (7:6, 6:4).
Minimum individual total for Player 1 for this match (IT1) = 11 games.
Minimum individual total for Player 2 for this match (IT2) = 10 games.
Based on this, games on outcomes are settled as follows:
Match bets:
Match Winner: Player 1 Win - loss, Player 2 Win - win.
Total Odd/Even - void.
Sets Score: 0:2 – loss, 2:0, 2:1, 1:2 – void.
Total: games on totals with a value lower than 23 stand. games on totals with a value higher than 23 will be void.
Individual Total (Player 1): games on an IT1 with a value lower than 11 stand. games on an IT1 with a value higher than 11 will be void.
Individual Total (Player 2): games on an IT2 with a value lower than 10 stand. games on an IT2 with a value higher than 10 will be void.
Sets Handicap: Handicap games with a value of ‘+1.5/-1.5’ stand. Handicap games with a value of ‘-1.5/+1.5’ will be void.
Handicap. The maximum possible handicaps for this match are as follows:
a) 2:1 (7:6, 6:7, 6:0) – Player 1 winning by a margin of 6 games;
b) 1:2 (7:6, 4:6, 0:6) - Player 2 winning by a margin of 7 games.
Based on this, outcomes for handicaps ranging from ‘-5.5/+5.5’ to ‘+6.5/-6.5’ cannot be determined and the relevant games will be void. Other handicap bets, which do not fall within this range, stand.
games on the interrupted 2nd set:
Set Winner - void.
Total: The minimum total games that could have been played when play was stopped is 10 (6-4). games on totals with a value lower than 10 stand. games on totals with a value higher than 10 will be void.
Handicap: The maximum possible scores for this set are as follows:
a) 6:4 - Player 1 winning by a margin of 2 games;
b) 4:6 - Player 2 winning by a margin of 2 games.
Based on this, outcomes for handicaps ranging from ‘-1.5/+1.5’ to ‘+1.5/-1.5’ cannot be determined and the relevant games will be void. Other handicap bets, which do not fall within this range, stand.
Individual Total (Player 1): games on an ‘IT1’ in this set with a value lower than 4 stand. games on an ‘IT1’ in this set with a value higher than 4 will be void.
Individual Total (Player 2): games on an ‘IT2’ in this set with a value lower than 4 stand. games on an ‘IT2’ in this set with a value higher than 4 will be void.
Correct Score In Set: games on outcomes which have been determined when play is stopped (6-0; 6-1; 6-2; 6-3; 0-6; 1-6; 2-6; 3-6) stand. games on outcomes which have not been determined when play is stopped will be void.
5.3 In the event of a player being disqualified or forfeiting, games on pre-match markets:
a) are settled according to clauses 5.1 and 5.2;
b) games on ‘Total Set Points in the 1st Set’, ‘Tie-break in Set’, ‘Total Set Points in the 2nd Set’, ‘Tie-break in Match’, ‘Total Aces’, ‘Total Double Faults’, ‘Total Match Points’, ‘First Double Fault’, ‘First Break in Match’, ‘First Ace’ are settled according to the outcomes of a match. If the relevant outcomes haven’t been determined when play is stopped, games will be void.
c) games on ‘1st Serve Percentage’, ‘Average 1st Serve Speed (km/h)’,’ Average 2nd Serve Speed (km/h)’, ‘To Win the Match from the Opponent's Match Point’, ‘First Serve Won Percentage’, ‘Second Serve Won Percentage’ will be void.
6. If a match is displayed in the gaming section as consisting of 3 sets, but 5 sets are played in the actual match and vice versa, games on ‘Sets Score’ (‘Set gaming’), ‘Games Handicap’ and ‘Total Games in Match’ will be void. Match winner games stand.
7. For doubles matches, if the line-up of a doubles pair is specified and at least one of the competitors is replaced, games will be void. If the line-up is not specified, games stand.
8. A super tie-break is regarded as a set consisting of one game.
9. It is forbidden to include different markets/outcomes related to the same match in multiples and system bets, even if they are not directly interrelated. If two or more such markets/outcomes are included in a multiple or system bet, games are void even if they were not initially blocked by the Company’s game acceptance software.
10. If the start of a match is delayed or a match is postponed for any reason, all games stand until the end of a match or tournament.
11. All match results and statistics are taken from the official sites of relevant tournaments.
12. Customers may game on the following tennis markets:
Match Winner – Who will win the match
Sets Score (Set gaming) – The exact score based on the number of sets won by both players/teams in the match
Set Winner – Who will win the set
Tie-break in Set - Yes/No. Whether there will be a tie-break in the set
Tie-break in Match - Yes/No. Whether there will be a tie-break in the match
Total Games Odd/Even – Whether the total number of games in a match or set will be odd/even
Games Handicap – games on total games margin in a match or set
Total Games – Total number of games to be played in a match or set
Individual Total Games (Player Total Games) – Total number of games to be won by a chosen competitor in a match or set
Total Aces – Total number of ace shots
Total Double Faults – Total number of double faults
Total Match Points – Total number of match points in a match
Total Set Points – Total number of set points in a set
First Serve Percentage – Customers need to predict the percentage of successful (playable) first serves by a tennis player. games will be settled according to official results records from the ATP and WTA websites, as well as relevant information from tournaments’ websites, where results are rounded up/down to a whole number.
For example:
64,35 will be rounded to 64
80,5 will be rounded to 81
Highest Serve Speed (km/h) – The maximum serve speed
Match to be Won by an Ace – Whether a match will be won by an ace shot
First Double Fault – Who will make the first double fault
First Break of the Match – Who will break their opponent’s serve first in the match
First Ace – Who will make the first ace shot in the match
Average 1st Serve Speed (km/h) – The average speed of the 1st serve (km/h)
Average 2nd Serve Speed (km/h) – The average speed of the 2nd serve (km/h)
To Serve First – Who will be the first server in the match
To Win the Match from the Opponent's Match Point – Whether a competitor will win a match after their opponent had a match point
1st Serve Winning Percentage – Percentage of points won on the first serve
2nd Serve Winning Percentage - Percentage of points won on the second serve
Game Winner – Who will win the game
Deuce in Game (Will Game Go to Deuce?) – Whether there will be deuce (a score of 40-40) in a game
Correct Score of Game ‘n’ – The exact score in a specified game
Race to ‘n’ Games – Who will be the first to win a specified number of games
Correct Score in Set - The exact score of a set (in games)
Tie-break Winner – Who will win a tie-break
Correct Score on Tie-break - What the exact score of a tie-break will be
Tie-break Odd/Even – Whether the number of points won on a tie-break will be odd/even.
1. If a match is cancelled (not started) due to a team forfeiting/being disqualified or for any other reason, all games on this match will be void.
2. If a match is rescheduled or postponed for any reason, all games stand until the match is played, but for no longer than 25 hours after the original scheduled start time.
3. A match is deemed to have taken place from the moment the first point is scored. If the first point is not scored, a match is not deemed to have taken place.
4. In the event that a match is started, but interrupted in the first set and not finished due to any reason, such as a participant forfeiting/being disqualified, games placed on outcomes which have been determined when play is stopped stand. games on any undetermined (unplayed) outcomes will be void.
5. In the event that a match is started, but interrupted after the first set and not finished due to any reason, such as a participant forfeiting/being disqualified, match winner games stand. games on outcomes which have been determined when play is stopped also stand. games placed on undetermined (unplayed) outcomes will be void.
6. games on the outcomes of sets which have not been played will also be void.
7. In the event of an interrupted set, the set total is calculated according to the minimum total number of points that could have been scored when play was stopped. The overall total for the match is calculated by adding the total number of points scored in previous sets to the minimum possible points total that could have been scored in sets that were not finished/not played when play was stopped. Handicap games on interrupted (uncompleted) set(s) and match handicap games are calculated in the same way.
A match is abandoned with a score of 15:17 in the 2nd set.
Team 2 forfeits.
Team 1 – Team 2 1:0 (25:20, 15:17).
Minimum Match Total = 112 points (45 from sets already played + 67 minimum total points that could have been scored in the sets that were unfinished/unplayed) (25:20, 25:17, 25:0).
Minimum Individual Total of Team 1 (IT1) = 40.
Minimum Individual Total of Team 2 (IT2) = 37.
Based on this, games on outcomes are settled as follows:
Match bets:
Match Winner: “Team 1 to win” – win; “Team 2 to win” – loss.
Sets Score: 0:3 – loss, 1:3, 2:3, 3:0, 3:1, 3:2 – void (refund).
Total: games on totals with a value lower than 112 stand. games on totals with a value higher than 112, will be void.
Individual Total (Team 1): games on an “IT1” with a value lower than 40 will stand. games on an “IT1” with a value higher than 40 will be void.
Individual Total (Team 2): games on an “IT2” with a value lower than 37 will stand. games on an “IT2” with a value higher than 37 will be void.
Sets Handicap: games on the following handicaps "+2.5/-2.5" will stand; all the other Sets Handicap games will be void
Handicap: In this example, the maximum possible handicaps for the match are as follows:
а) 3:1 (25:20, 23:25, 25:0, 25:0) – Team 1 winning by a margin of 53 points;
b) 2:3 (25:20, 25:23, 0:25, 0:25, 0:15) – Team 2 winning by a margin of 58 points.
Based on this, outcomes for handicaps ranging from ‘-52.5/+52.5’ до ‘+57.5/-57.5’ cannot be determined and the relevant games will be void. Other handicap bets, which do not fall within this range, will stand.
games on the interrupted 2nd set:
Set Winner bets: void
Total: The minimum possible total number of points which could have been scored when play was stopped is 40. games on totals with a value lower than 40 will be valid. games on totals with a value higher than 40 will be void.
Handicap: In this example, the maximum possible scores in this set are as follows:
а) 25:17 – Team 1 winning by a margin of 8 points;
б) 15:25 – Team 2 winning by a margin of 10 points;
Based on this, outcomes for handicaps ranging from ‘-7.5/+7.5’ до ‘+9.5/-9.5’ cannot be determined and the relevant games will be void. Other handicap bets, which do not fall within this range, will stand.
"Individual Total" (Team 1): games on an “IT1” in the set with a value lower than 15 will stand. games on an “IT1” in the set with a value higher than 15 will be void.
"Individual Total" (Team 2): games on an “IT2” in the set with a value lower than 17 will stand. games on an “IT2” in the set with a value higher than 17 will be void.
"Correct Score ": games on outcomes which have been determined (e.g. 25:16) will stand. games on outcomes that have not been determined when play is stopped will be void.
“Set Result”: games on outcomes which have been determined (e.g. Team 1 to win by 12 or more points) will stand. games on outcomes that have not been determined when play is stopped will be void.
8. If there is a ‘golden set’ in a match (according to certain tournaments’ rules), this ‘golden set’ is not taken into account when settling games on this match. The only exceptions to this rule are games on whether a competitor will qualify for the next round of a competition, and tournament/round winner bets.
9. Customers can game on the following volleyball markets:
Match bets:
“Match Winner” – Who will win the match.
“Sets Score” (“Set gaming”) – The exact score based on the number of sets won by both teams in the match.
“Total” – Total number of points to be scored in the match.
“Individual Total” – Total number of points to be scored by a specific team in the match.
“Sets Handicap” – Handicap game on the number of sets to be won/lost by teams in the match.
“Handicap” – Points-based handicap game on the match.
“Odd/Even Total” – Whether the total number of points in the match will be odd/even.
games on the set:
“Set Winner” – Who will win the set.
“Total” – How many points will be scored in the set.
“Individual Total” – Total number of points to be scored in the set by a specific team.
“Handicap” – Points-based handicap game on the set.
“Odd/Even Total” – Whether the total number of points in the set will be odd/even.
“Race to “n” points” - Who will be the first to win a specific number of points in the set.
“Who will win Point No. “n”?” - Who will win a specified point (e.g. the 3rd, 4th or 5th point) in the set.
“Correct Score” – What will the correct points score be in the set.
“Set Result” – Who will win the set and by what margin.
"Who will lead with the match total of "n" points" – Who will be in the lead after a certain number of points have been scored by the teams in the set.
1. All games are accepted on regular time, unless otherwise stated in the gaming section. games on qualification for the next round of a competition are exempt from this rule.
2. If a match is started and not finished, games on outcomes which have been determined when play is stopped (e.g. the outcome of the first half, the first scored goal and its time etc) stand. All other games will be void.
3. games on futsal matches are accepted on regular time as stated by the rules of the relevant tournament (2 halves of 25 minutes each for Russian championship matches, 2 halves of 20 minutes each for other tournaments), unless otherwise stated in the gaming section.
If the format of a match/tournament is changed, all games will be void.
- Sports:
- Skiing
- Biathlon
- Bobsleigh
- Ski race
- Freestyle / Ski Acrobatics
- Sleigh
- Nordic Combined
- Skating
- Skeleton
- Ski Jumping
- Snowboarding
- In the event of a distance change, the number of rounds as well as a change in the venue of the competition, all games on this event shall be refunded.
- If the start time of the event is postponed for more than 24 hours, all games on the event are refundable.
- If the event was interrupted and not resumed within 24 hours from the moment the event stopped, all games on this event, except bets, the outcome of which is uniquely determined at the time the race was stopped, are refundable.
- If after stopping the event was resumed on another track (track), all games placed on this event, except bets, the outcome of which is uniquely determined by the time the race is stopped, shall be refunded.
- Places of athletes are determined by the official final protocol published immediately after the end of the race. Changes in the protocol of the competition related to the disqualification of athletes after the race are not taken into account by the gaming company.
- If the race was not held on the specified day, then all games on it shall be refunded.
- The following positions are offered for winter sports gaming:
- game on the winner of the race. In this case, the winner is the one who won first place in the final protocol. If the athlete has not reached the start of the race, a refund is made.
- Finish in the Top 3. It is necessary to determine which of the riders will finish in the Top 3. If the rider has not reached the start of the race, a refund is made.
- The game "Who is better." The athlete who will perform better is chosen. In this case, the best one is considered to be the one who took a higher place in the final protocol. games are settled based on an official protocol published by the governing body/federation of the respective competition immediately after the end of the race. Changes in the protocol of the competition related to the disqualification of athletes after the race are not taken into account by the gaming company. If both riders have lost the race, then all games are refundable. If one of the athletes has not finished the race, when calculating games for this position, it is considered that his opponent took a place higher.
- More / fewer misses of <Specified participant>. It is necessary to determine whether the specified rider in the biathlon race will make more or fewer misses than the specified number. If, as a result of the race, the number of misses made is equal to the total bet, a refund is made with a coefficient of 1.
Virtual Sport
Match simulations are produced through a combination of artificial intelligence and an independent random number generator.
VTO players’ profiles (number of goals, fitness, consecutive match statistics, etc.) are based on those of professional tennis players.
All matches are broadcast live and can be streamed through the media player in your browser.
You can switch freely between all available matches in a round, or alternatively choose to follow a single match for the entire round.
- Two knockout tournaments are run in parallel on a continuous basis. Each tournament consists of 4 rounds. 16 players participate in the first round (round of 16) which is then followed by a round of 8, a semi-final, and a final.
- To ensure that there is enough time to place bets, the graphical user interface (GUI) alternates between rounds of each of the two tournaments.
- This means that a round of the grass-court tournament is always followed by a round of the hard-court tournament and vice versa.
- games can be placed on all matches in the next available round of a tournament.
Tournament information
- Due to the tournaments being shown in parallel, one complete tournament lasts for 25 minutes 30 seconds.
- This includes an introduction (15 seconds before the tournament begins), the rounds (3 minutes 30 seconds per round) and a celebration (15 seconds at the end of the tournament).
- games can be placed on VTO matches until 10 seconds prior to the start of the tournament.
- games are accepted on games, sets, and matches.
- gaming markets are always open for at least 3 minutes 30 seconds before a match (gaming on the next available round on the grass court is offered while a round on the hard court is in progress and vice versa).
Available markets:
Game markets
Winner of 1st game, 1st set (1 – home team to win; 2 – away team to win);
Correct score of 1st game, 1st set (game-0; game-15; game-30; game-40 – 0-game; 15-game; 30-game; 40-game).
Set markets
Winner of 1st set (1 – home team to win; 2 – away team to win);
Correct score of 1st set: (6:0; 6:1; 6:2; 6:3; 6:4; 7:5; 7:6 – 0:6; 1:6; 2:6; 3:6: 4:6; 5:7; 6:7);
Total games in 1st set: (Over/Under, 3 different options);
Total games in 1st set , odd/even: (Odd/Even).
Match markets
Match winner (1 – home team to win; 2 – away team to win);
Final Score (in sets – best of 3) (2:0; 2:1 – 0:2; 1:2);
Total games in match: (Over/Under, 1 option).
16 teams participate in the Virtual Football League.
The virtual players’ profiles are based on those of today’s world-famous footballers. Gameplay features are based on the statistics of international football and include all the factors affecting a match, such as weather conditions, referees’ mistakes, the team’s motivation, etc.
Just like in real-life football matches, the result of a match is determined according to the final score displayed on the scoreboard and is not affected by referees’ mistakes regarding goals or disputes.
Matches are modeled by artificial intelligence, developed by the independent international company Sportradar. The outcome of an event depends on both the objective logical factors which are well known to each customer (teams’ tactics, current fitness, motivation for the match according to the team’s position in the tournament, personal relationships between the teams, individual statistics) and on chance, which is determined by Sportradar’s random number generator.
Each season lasts 141 minutes and is divided into 30 rounds (home games and away games). One round consists of eight matches. The customer may switch between the eight matches in the current round, or follow any single match of their choice. One match lasts 4 minutes 35 seconds.
Each match includes:
- Pre-match period;
- first half;
- second half;
- post-match period.
The pre-match period precedes the beginning of a game and lasts 60 seconds.
The duration of each half is 45 minutes as in real-life football, however, the customer only sees highlights lasting 1 minute 30 seconds. The half-time break lasts 10 seconds. At the end of each game, there is a post-match period of 10 seconds. There is a 15-second post-matchday period at the end, which concludes the game.
games on VFL
games are accepted on any upcoming match in the current season. On each “Gameday”, all games in the selected round with up-to-date odds are displayed. games on the VFL matches are accepted until 10 seconds before the start of an event. After this time, no games will be accepted.
The following markets are available to customers:
- Regular time (Team 1 to win; draw; Team 2 to win);
- Handicap (H1; H2);
- First Half (Team 1 to win; draw; Team 2 to win);
- Total (over; under);
- Correct score (from 0:0 to 3:3; other);
- Next team to score at 0:0 (Team 1; no one; Team 2).
To place a game on the VFL markets right now, you should:
- Go to the “Virtual Sports” section;
- Select the match;
- Select the outcome/outcomes by clicking on the respective odds;
- Collect your winnings for any correct predictions.
1.General definitions:
A “frag” means the liquidation of the opponent.
“Denying” means the destruction of an allied tower.
“N” (n) means any number.
“Best of 1” (Bo1) means that only one matchup is held;
“Best of 2” (Bo2) means a series of two games;
“Best of 3” (Bo3) means a series of games until one player has won twice;
“Best of 5” (Bo5) means a series of games until one player has won 3 times;
“Best of 7” (Bo7) means a series of games until one player has won 4 times;
“Best of 9” (Bo9) means a series of games until one player has won 5 times.
2. accepts games on the following cybersports: Dota 2, League of Legends, World of Tanks, Overwatch, StarCraft II, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, Smite, Heroes of the Storm, and Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft.
3. games are taken on the winner of a match or tournament.
4. A single match may include one or several maps/games. The number of maps/games is stipulated by the rules and may vary subject to the stage of the tournament. If there is one map/game (best of 1), the teams play one map (game), and a win on the map/in the game means that the match is won. Should the rules stipulate that the match proceeds until two or three wins (best of 3, games of 5), the team must win two or three maps/games respectively. Should the rules stipulate that the match includes two maps/games (best of 2), this match may end in a draw.
5. games are taken for the entire match and for stages within a match. There is no restriction on the time a game is placed - games are accepted until either team wins the match and/or map/game.
6. A technical glitch may cause a match to be interrupted.
7. Should a game be postponed for 25 hours or more due to technical failures, or should a game be interrupted and abandoned, all games on that game will be settled at odds of 1, except for markets whose outcomes had already been unconditionally determined before the game was interrupted.
8. When a customer places a game on the “Winner of the Match” market, they must predict which team will win in the entire series of maps/games. games on this market are accepted on the following cybersports: Dota 2, League of Legends, World of Tanks, Overwatch, StarCraft II, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, Smite, Heroes of the Storm, and Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft.
9. When a customer places a game on the “Winner of the Map/Game” market, they must predict which team will win a specific map/game. To win a map in League of Legends, Dota 2 or Smite, the team must destroy the opposing team’s main building, although the number of frags by the defeated team may exceed that of the winner. Either team may surrender in advance, which is regarded as a defeat on the current map. games on this market are accepted on the following cybersports: Dota 2, League of Legends, World of Tanks, Overwatch, StarCraft II, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, Smite, Heroes of the Storm, and Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft.
10. When a customer places a game on the “Total Frags” market, they must predict the total number of frags on the map/in the game, excluding kills by neutral creeps. Customers can also place games on the market “Total Frags in the Match”.
When a customer places a game on the “Frags Handicap” market, they must predict the difference between the number of frags by team 1 and the number of frags by team 2 on the map/in the game. Customers can also place games on the market “Frags Handicap in the Match”.
Let us take a best-of-three match as an example. In the first map/game: team 1 got 27 frags, and team 2 got 21 frags. The total number of frags on the map/in the game amounts to 27+21=48, and the frags handicap amounts to 27-21=6 against team 2. In the second map/game: team 1 got 25 frags, and team 2 got 10 frags. The total number of frags on the map/in the game amounts to 25+10=35, and the frags handicap amounts to 25-10=15 against team 2. The total number of frags in the match is 83, and the total frags handicap is -21 against team 2.
games on this market are accepted on the following cybersports: Dota 2, League of Legends, World of Tanks, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, and Smite.
11. When a customer places a game on the “Total Maps/Games” market, they must predict the total number of maps/games in an event. When they place a game on the “Maps/Games Handicap” market, they must predict the difference between the number of maps/games won by team 1 and the number of maps/games won by team 2.
Let us take a best-of-three match as an example. Team 1 won two maps/games, and team 2 won no maps/games. The total number of maps/games is 2, and the maps/games handicap is -2 against team 1. games on this market are accepted on the following cybersports : Dota 2, League of Legends, World of Tanks, Overwatch, StarCraft II, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, Smite, Heroes of the Storm, and Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft.
12. When a customer places a game on the “Odd/Even” market, the must predict if the total number of frags on the map/in the game will be odd or even. For example, team 1 got 25 frags, while team 2 got 22 frags: the total number of frags amounts to 47, which is an odd number. games on this market are accepted on the following cybersports: Dota 2, League of Legends, World of Tanks, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, and Smite.
13. When a customer places a game on the “Race To “n” Frags” market, they must predict which team will be the first to get “n” frags on the map/in the game. games on this market are accepted on the following cybersports: Dota 2, League of Legends, World of Tanks, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, and Smite.
14. When a customer places a game on the “First Blood” market, they must predict which team will be the first to frag on the map/in the game. games on this market are accepted on the following cybersports: Dota 2, League of Legends, World of Tanks, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, and Smite.
15. When a customer places a game on the “Which Team Will Be The First To Lose A Tower?” market, they must predict which team will be the first to lose a tower on the map/in the game. In Dota 2, the teams may deny their own towers, which shall be regarded as that team losing a tower. games on this market are accepted on the following cybersports: Dota 2, League of Legends, and Smite.
16. When a customer places a game on the “Duration Of The Map From X Minutes to Y Minutes” market, they must predict the duration of a map/game. The selection “Yes” means that the map/game will last the specified amount of time. The selection “No” means that the map/game will last more or less than the specified amount of time. The duration of a map/game is determined according to the game clock.
Let us take the market “Duration Of The Map From 0 Minutes To 40 Minutes” as an example. The game lasted 40 minutes 01 second. The duration of the game is deemed to be 41 minutes, and the selection “No” shall win. games on this market are accepted on the following cybersports: Dota 2, League of Legends, and Smite.
17. When a customer places a game on the “Team To Get “n” Frags” market, they must predict which team will get “n” frags on the map/in the game. games on this market are accepted on the following cybersports: Dota 2, League of Legends, and Smite.
18. League of Legends
18.1. When a customer places a game on the “Which Team Will Be The First To Destroy An Inhibitor” market, they must predict which team will be the first to destroy an inhibitor on the map/in the game.
18.2. When a customer places a game on the “Which Team Will Be The First To Kill A Dragon” market, they must predict which team will be the first to kill a dragon (drake) on the map/in the game.
18.3. When a customer places a game on the “Which Team Will Kill Nashor First” market, they must predict which team will be the first to kill Baron Nashor on the map/in the game.
18.4. When a customer places a game on the “Total Number Of Destroyed Towers On Map “n”” market, they must predict the total number of destroyed towers (for both teams) on the map/in the game.
19. Dota 2
19.1. When a customer places a game on the “Courier Liquidation” market, they must predict if a courier will be killed on the map/in the game.
19.2. When a customer places a game on the “GODLIKE Streak” market, they must predict whether or not at least one player will achieve a GODLIKE streak (9 consecutive frags without being killed by enemy creeps/towers) on the map/in the game.
19.3. When a customer places a game on the “Roshan - Total Liquidations” market, they must predict how many times Roshan will be killed on the map/in the game.
19.4. When a customer places a game on the “Total Number Of Destroyed Towers On Map “n”” market, they must predict the total number of towers (for both teams) to be destroyed on the map/in the game.
20. Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
20.1. Games are played by two teams, each with five members.
20.2. A single game consists of two halves. The first half consists of 15 rounds (for example, 9-6). The second half will end if one of the teams wins 16 rounds in total (for example, 16-13).
20.3. Should the teams have an equal number of won rounds (15-15) at the end of the second half, two additional sets of 3-rounds will be awarded as overtime. The team that is the first to win four rounds in overtime shall be declared the winner. In the event of a draw at the end of overtime (18-18), two more sets of 3-rounds will be awarded as additional overtime and this will continue until the winner of the map/game is determined.
20.4. When a customer places a game on the “Total Rounds” market, they must predict how many rounds the map/game will have.
20.5. When a customer places a game on the “Rounds Handicap” market, they must predict the difference between the number of rounds won by team 1 and the number of rounds won by team 2 on the map/in the game.
20.6. When a customer places a game on the “Total Frags” market, they must predict the total number of frags in a specified round (round “n”).
20.7. When a customer places a game on the “Frags Handicap” market, they must predict the difference between the total number of frags by team 1 and the total number of frags by team 2 in a specified round (round “n”).
20.8. When a customer places a game on the “Which Team Will Be The First To Win “n” Rounds” market, they must predict which team will be the first to win the specified number of rounds on the map/in the game.
20.9. When a customer places a game on the “Which Team Will Win Round''n ``?” market, they must predict which team will win the specified round on the map/in the game.
21. StarCraft II
21.1. Two players take part in each game.
21.2. The objective is to destroy the opponent’s base on the map. A contender may surrender in advance, which is regarded as a defeat on the current map.
22. World of Tanks
22.1. Games are played by two teams, each with 7 members.
22.2. On each map, teams play one round as an attacking clan and one round as a defending clan, after which the battlefield is changed.
22.3. The match format is determined by the tournament organizer (Best of 5, Best of 9).
22.4. When a customer places a game on the “Total Rounds” market, they must predict the total number of rounds on the map/in the game.
22.5. When a customer places a game on the “Rounds Handicap” market, they must predict the difference between the number of rounds won by team 1 and the number of rounds won by team 2 on the map/in the game.
22.6. When a customer places a game on the “Race To “n” Rounds” market, they must predict which team will be the first to win the specified number of rounds.
22.7. When a customer places a game on the “Which Team Will Win Round “n”?” market, they must predict which team will win the specified round on the map/in the game.
22.8. When a customer places a game on the “Total Frags” market, they must predict the total number of frags in a specified round (round “n”).
22.9. When a customer places a game on the “Frags Handicap” market, they must predict the difference between the total number of frags by team 1 and the total number of frags by team 2 in a specified round (round “n”).
General Terms
1. e-Football tournaments are run on the PlayStation 4 pro gaming platform using the officially licensed game FIFA, developed by Electronic Arts.
2. Competitions are held online as a round-robin tournament.
3. 5 e-Sports players who are 18 years of age or older participate in the tournaments.
Tournament procedure
4. One team is assigned to each participant in the tournament.
5. e-Sports players compete with each other in a round-robin schedule.
6. The winner of the match is determined during regular time.
7. If regular time ends in a draw, the players must select: “Agree to a draw” The following extra time modes are not available: “Golden Goal”, “Classic” or “Penalty Shootouts”
8. When a match ends in a draw, its score is included in the tournament statistics.
9. The result of the match is entered into the tournament statistics at the end of the regular time.
10. Regular time includes one half of 45 virtual time units, which is equivalent to 5 real-life minutes; two halves of 90 virtual time units, which is equivalent to 10 real-life minutes.
11. Only injury time awarded by FIFA virtual referees in the game can be added to the regular time of a half. This injury time counts as regular time.
Tournament winner
12. Each participant plays a total of 8 matches per tournament: 4 home matches and 4 away matches.
13. Each tournament consists of 20 unique matches in which all 5 participants take part.
14. At the end of each match, players earn points as follows:
Victory - 3 points;
Draw - 1 point;
Defeat - 0 points.
15. Should two players have an equal number of points, the player with the best goal difference will be declared the winner.
16. All match results are added to the official tournament statistics in real time.
17. In the event of a technical failure which means that it is impossible to hold a tournament, games on the unplayed matches will be settled at odds of 1.00.
18. Cancelled matches are not replayed and will be listed as “Cancelled”.
19. Future tournaments with new lineups shall be scheduled for upcoming dates.
20. If a participant fails to show up or is not able to join the tournament due to force majeure circumstances, then he/she shall be substituted immediately or in advance, depending on the amount of notice given.
21. If a participant cannot be substituted, or if at least 1 of 5 participants is absent, the tournament shall be cancelled, since the rules stipulate that 5 e-Sports players must participate in a tournament.
22. games on e-Football events are accepted online during the live broadcast.
The available markets (regular time/half) are:
Double Chance;
Team’s Individual Total;
Correct Score;
Next Goal;
Both Score;
Score In Both Halves;
Half Time/Full Time
23. In the event of software malfunctions when games are being accepted (obvious misprints in the odds, inconsistencies between the odds displayed in the Sports/Live/Virtual Sports sections and those displayed on the game slip, etc.) or should there be other indications of games having been accepted incorrectly, the Operator is entitled to declare the affected games void.
1. games on horse and dog races are accepted online in accordance with the most recent version of rules, which may be amended from time to time.
2. When placing a game on horse or dog races, the name and place (1-2, 1-3 or 1-4) of the runner must be specified. The runner that finishes with the best time in a race is declared the winner.
3. offers the following types of bets: single, multiple and system. For more details, please refer to the “Types of Bets” section of these rules.
4. Stakes shall be refunded in the following situations:
● If the track is changed, all stakes shall be refunded;
● In the event of a walk over (there is only one runner), all stakes thereon shall be refunded;
● If a race does not take place/is abandoned, all stakes thereon shall be refunded;
● If there were no odds provided for a runner to win, but that runner took part in the race and won, the stakes on all participants in the race shall be refunded;
● If a participant does not start the race (they are withdrawn before the start of the race, or either the starter or the governing bodies of the race decide that this participant may not run), all stakes on this participant shall be refunded.
5. games on a finishing position shall be declared void if the number of runners is fewer than the number of finishing positions + 1.
6. Should a runner have dropped out of a race or been disqualified according to the official results, all games on that runner will be settled as lost.
7. Should the track surface be changed, all games will stand.
8. Should the live broadcast of a race be interrupted, all games will stand.
9. games shall be settled according to the official results of the event as declared by the horse-racing club/race course only. The finishing order is determined by the judges. Adjustments to the settlement will not be made once the official result has been declared and winnings have been paid.
10. Should two runners finish in a dead heat, the stake and half of the winnings shall be paid to the customer. The winnings are the profit from a winning bet, excluding the stake. If there are more than two winners, the customer shall receive their stake plus the winnings divided by the number of the winners. For example, if there are three winners, the payout will be calculated as follows: the stake + (the stake * the odds - the stake)/3.
11. retains the right to correct obvious mistakes or inaccuracies in the Sports/Live/Virtual Sports sections, to amend incorrect translations and incorrectly stated odds and to refund some types of bets, should this be deemed necessary.
12. shall not be held liable for the details posted on the website as they are indicative only.
Horse Racing
1. If a race is re-run, stakes on selections which do not take part in the re-run will be refunded.
2. If a race is postponed, all games placed before the race’s governing bodies declared the adjournment shall be refunded. usually offers updated odds for an adjourned race.
3. If a race is postponed and its adjournment is stated in the official sources, all games will stand. However, single games and any of their respective legs in multiple games will be declared void if:
● The race is terminated;
● The race is officially declared void;
● The conditions of the race were changed after games had been placed (subject to the rules);
● The track is changed;
● The track surface is changed (for example, turf is replaced by dirt or a synthetic surface, or vice versa).
4. If a race is interrupted and is not resumed within 25 hours, all stakes thereon shall be refunded.
5. If a race is cancelled, all games thereon shall be declared void. If a race is postponed to a later time on the same day, all games thereon shall stand.
6. The game “Racer Finish In Winning Triad” wins if the selected horse finishes in one of the first three places.
Dog Racing
1. All games on a runner shall stand if they are referred to by both names and starting box numbers in the Virtual Sports section (or by either the box number or the name only).
2. Should any runner be withdrawn from the race, all stakes thereon shall be refunded, unless that runner is substituted.
3. If a race is cancelled or is to be re-run under a different name (referred to by the venue, and/or date, and/or time), all games placed on the runners of the cancelled race shall be refunded. usually offers updated odds for races which are to be re-run under the same name. If it is the case, the number of the re-run race will be the same as that of the cancelled race, regardless of the scheduled time of the race. If a race is cancelled and is not to be re-run, all stakes thereon shall be refunded